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Fatal Femmes: Neige aka Snow (1981) + La Garce aka The Bitch (1984) [2 X Blu-ray]


NEIGE (SNOW): This drama about a barmaid caught up in events beyond her control is the first film directed by Juliet Berto, and was also based on her own concept for the story. The barmaid, played by Berto, has been trying to take care of Bobby, a teenage drug pusher who is in over his head. Before she can put him back on track and get him out of the drug underworld, the young man is killed while being chased by a narcotics agent. Depressed by his death but not derailed, she finds herself trying to help out a gay user who depended on Bobby for his supply of drugs. She decides to procure some drugs for the desperate addict, and is trapped in the bathroom of a bar - with the drugs - when narcotics agents burst upon the scene. Her boyfriend rushes to help her but is killed by an agent who shoots first and thinks later. The barmaid does not face a very optimistic future as the narc arrests her - but releases a parish minister who had been helping her find a source for the drugs.

THE BITCH (LA GARCE): One evening, Police Detective Lucien Sabatier (Richard Berry) picks up seventeen-year-old Aline (Isabelle Hupert) on the road and assaults her. The following day, the teenager reports the offence. Sabatier is arrested and sentenced to six years in prison. When he gets out, he becomes a private detective and finds Aline, who is hiding under an assumed name.


Theatrical Release: May 17th, 1981 (Cannes) - September 5th, 1984

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Review: Fun City Editions - Region 'A' - Blu-ray

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Distribution Fun City Editions - Region 'A' - Blu-ray

The Bitch: 1:32:54.958

Neige: 1:31:01.666


The Bitch:

1.66:1 1080P Dual-layered Blu-ray

Disc Size: 29,243,463,660 bytes

Feature: 28,703,385,600 bytes

Video Bitrate: 36.85 Mbps

Codec: MPEG-4 AVC Video


1.66:1 1080P Dual-layered Blu-ray

Disc Size: 28,505,456,089 bytes

Feature: 27,875,297,280 bytes

Video Bitrate: 36.65 Mbps

Codec: MPEG-4 AVC Video

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.

Bitrate The Bitch Blu-ray:

Bitrate Neige Blu-ray:


DTS-HD Master Audio French 2029 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2029 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)

Dolby Digital Audio English 256 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 256 kbps / DN -31dB

Subtitles English, None
Features Release Information:
Fun City Editions


Edition Details:

• Audio commentary by Samm Deighan (THE BITCH)
• Trailer (1:00)
• Image Gallery
• Audio commentary by Samm Deighan (NEIGE)
• Trailer (1:31)
• Image Gallery
20-page booklet with three new essays by Steve MacFarlane, Jessica Felrice and Alexandra Heller-Nicholas

Blu-ray Release Date: September 19th, 2023

Transparent Blu-ray Case inside slipcase

Chapters 8 / 8




NOTE: The below Blu-ray captures were taken directly from the Blu-ray disc.

ADDITION: Fun City Editions Blu-ray (September 2023): Fun City Editions have created a Blu-ray package entitled Fatal Femmes. It includes Juliet Berto + Jean-Henri Roger's 1981 Neige (Snow) and Christine Pascal's 1984 film La garce (The Bitch.)  "The 4K restoration of the film Neige was carried out from the original image negative and sound negative, and produced thanks to JHR FILMS and Studiocanal. Calibration supervision by Renato Berta. The digital restoration was carried out by Limage Retrouvée (Bologna - Paris) in 2020." The HD presentation quality for both films is quite pleasing. I saw no damage of speckles and the 1080P exported plenty of depth although not an abundance of textured grain. There is a shade of teal notably in the funky fashion of Neige. Overall these looks impressive.

NOTE: We have added 85 more large resolution Blu-ray captures (in lossless PNG format) for DVDBeaver Patrons HERE

On their Blu-ray, Fun City Editions use a DTS-HD Master 2.0 channel tracks (24-bit) in the original French language. Both films have effects; gun shots etc. For Neige the score was by François Bréant and the actor / writer Bernard Lavilliers - his first film composure. I didn't find it particularly memorable. The score for La garce is by Philippe Sarde (Lancelot Du Lac, The Widow Courderc, The Clockmaker of St. Paul, Madame Rosa, The Tenant, Max and the Junkman, Tess, La Grande Bouffe, Quest For Fire) sounding supportive of the drama. Both have consistent dialogue in the lossless transfers. Fun City Editions offer optional English subtitles on their Region 'A' Blu-ray.

The Fun City Editions Blu-ray offers new commentaries for both films by Samm Deighan. Samm is always great and has done some thorough research, imparting interesting observations along the way. Enjoyable and edifying. There are also trailers and image galleries for both films and the slipcase package includes a 20-page booklet with new three essays by Steve MacFarlane, Jessica Felrice and Alexandra Heller-Nicholas. There is also reversible artwork.    

Neige (Snow) stars and was co-directed by Juliet Berto (Celine of Jacques Rivette's Celine and Julie Go Boating) and Christine Pascal's (also an actress) La garce (The Bitch) has, one of our favorites, the fearless Isabelle Huppert (Michael Haneke's The Piano Teacher.) Both films show the seedier side of French culture; sex workers, strippers, drug addicts, grimy club musicians, gangsters etc. Themes deal with betrayal, survival, death, ex-con... La garce has more police thriller attributes - which I appreciated. This Fun City Edition Blu-ray has a great pairing of French crime films with two notable female stars. Recommended!

Gary Tooze


Menus / Extras


The Bitch





The Bitch































More full resolution (1920 X 1080) Blu-ray Captures for DVDBeaver Patreon Supporters HERE


The Bitch




Box Cover

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Bonus Captures:

Distribution Fun City Editions - Region 'A' - Blu-ray



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