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(aka "Thin Air" or "Galaxy Horror" or "Invasion of the Body Stealers" or "Out of Thin Air" or "Alien Invasion")


Directed by Gerry Levy
UK 1969


When paratroopers begin to go missing during routine jumps, investigators are sent to shed some light on the mystery. However, things get complicated very quickly when an alien invasion plot is discovered. This little-known 60s British science fiction flick from the Tigon, the company that bought us Witchfinder General, The Sorcerers, and Blood on Satan’s Claw, offers a uniquely UK take on the flying saucer phenomenon. Featuring George Sanders (Village of the Damned) and Maurice Evans (The Planet of the Apes), it’s a must for all collectors of cult classics from good old uncanny Britannia.


A British military paratrooper disappears in mid-air during a jump from an army plane. Two investigators, Patrick Allen and Neil Connery, try to unravel how this happened. What they uncover is an alien plot to steal the bodies of earthlings by snatching them out of the air.


Theatrical Release: March 1969

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Review: 88 Films - Region 'B' - Blu-ray

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Distribution 88 Films - Region 'B' - Blu-ray
Runtime 1:32:21.536        

1.85:1 1080P Dual-layered Blu-ray

Disc Size: 47,600,228,017 bytes

Feature: 29,317,794,816 bytes

Video Bitrate: 37.64 Mbps

Codec: MPEG-4 AVC Video

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.

Bitrate Blu-ray:


LPCM Audio English 2304 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit

Dolby Digital Audio English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -30dB

Subtitles English (SDH), None
Features Release Information:
88 Films


1.85:1 1080P Dual-layered Blu-ray

Disc Size: 47,600,228,017 bytes

Feature: 29,317,794,816 bytes

Video Bitrate: 37.64 Mbps

Codec: MPEG-4 AVC Video


Edition Details:

Audio Commentary By Film Critics David Flint and Allan Bryce
Audio commentary by Actor Patrick Allen, moderated by author John Hamilton
The Making of The Body Stealers (41:37)
Invasion of The Body Stealers - An Introduction by Jon Dear (11:01)
A Career Man - Will Fowler on George Sanders & The Body Stealers (20:58)
Original Trailer (2:27)
Reversible sleeve featuring new artwork by Sean Longmore & original poster

Release Date: May 20th, 2024
Standard Transparent
Blu-ray Case inside slipcase

Chapters 10




NOTE: The below Blu-ray captures were taken directly from the Blu-ray disc.

ADDITION: 88 Films Blu-ray (May 2024): 88 Films have transferred Gerry Levy's The Body Stealers to Blu-ray. It is cited as being from a "Brand New FULLY UNCUT 2K Remaster from the Original Camera Negative featuring never before released sequences". It's on a dual-layered disc with a max'ed out bitrate. The 1080P is quite appealing - colors look authentic, there is depth and contrast is strong. The source appears to have been in great shape although the low budget effects can look cheesy. There are segments of stock footage of parachuting. It is clean and overall pleasing. 

NOTE: We have added 60 more large resolution Blu-ray captures (in lossless PNG format) for DVDBeaver Patrons HERE

On their Blu-ray, 88 Films use a linear PCM dual-mono track (24-bit) in the original English language. The Body Stealers has sci-fi-related audio and jet planes that are modestly effective and authentically flat. The score was by Reg Tilsley (Horror Hospital), sounding a bit funky but suits the film's charismatic campy-ness. 88 Films offer optional English (SDH) subtitles on their Region 'B' Blu-ray.

The 88 Films Blu-ray offers two commentaries. The first is by film critics David Flint (author of Sheer Filth!: Bizarre Cinema, Weird Literature, Strange Music, Extreme Art) and Allan Bryce (Die Laughing: The Dark Side Guide to Comedy Horror.) It's fun and light with some decent information; the alt-titles. The second commentary is an older one by actor Patrick Allen ('Bob Megan' in The Body Stealers), moderated by John Hamilton (author of X-Cert: The British Independent Horror Film: 1951-1970.) Bob states that he has never seen the film in full - only in bits and pieces, talks about working with George Sanders and Maurice Evans, his own theater and radio work due to, he credits, to his voice, that he was born in Africa - Nyasaland (now Malawi) - where his father was a tobacco farmer plus there is much more. I enjoyed it. Bob passed in 2006 at age 79. The Making of The Body Stealers runs 42-minutes and has input from Dixon Adams (Mystery Submarine), Pamela Conway ('Lorna' in The Body Stealers), Boom operator Rowland Fowles, editor Howard Lanning, Michael Culver (Lt. Bailes), Arthur Wicks (standby props), assistant editor Marion Curren, Angela Sellar and Sally Faulkner ('Joanna'.) They share their experiences with making the film, working with director Gerry Levy and much more. Invasion of The Body Stealers is an 11-minute introduction by Jon Dear. A Career Man has Will Fowler on George Sanders and The Body Stealers running over 20-minutes discussing the British actor and singer whose career spanned over 40 years and his participation in the film. Lastly is a theatrical trailer and the package has a reversible sleeve featuring new artwork by Sean Longmore and original poster.

Gerry Levy's The Body Stealers was a product of Tigon British Film Productions. Tigon had a relatively small output (producing films from 1967-73) with modest budgets but are best remembered for its horror films, directly competing for audiences of the day with well established studios. They eventually drifted into distributing, mostly, sexploitation films. The Body Stealers is typical of their output with a title enticing audiences to expect a clone of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. It certainly is not that but I enjoyed it nonetheless although it is all a poor cousin to competing Hammer and Amicus. I think there is a place for this kitschy low budget sci-fi cinema. Keep your expectation in-check - 88 Films Blu-ray is at the high-standard; solid a/v, two commentaries, a lengthy 'Making of', great artwork and more. I'm very pleased that they are bringing plenty of Tigon's golden age of British cinema output to Blu-ray and 4K UHD. Bravo!

Gary Tooze


Menus / Extras















NOTE: The alien spacecraft is the Dalek flying saucer (below) originally used in Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. (1966)



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More full resolution (1920 X 1080) Blu-ray Captures for DVDBeaver Patreon Supporters HERE



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Distribution 88 Films - Region 'B' - Blu-ray



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