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S E A R C H    D V D B e a v e r

(aka "Murder Me, Monster" or "Die, Monster, Die")


Directed by Alejandro Fadel
Argentina / France / Chile 2018


Rural police officer Cruz investigates the bizarre case of a headless woman's body found in a remote region by the Andes Mountains. David, the husband of Cruz's lover Francisca, becomes the prime suspect and is sent to a local mental hospital. David blames the crime to the inexplicable and brutal appearance of the "Monster”, and its victims’ plea “Murder Me, Monster”. As more deaths happen – Cruz must determine who is the real monster.


A visual feast but not for the faint of heart, Un Certain Regard contender MURDER ME, MONSTER (MUERE, MONSTRUO, MUERE) is an atmospheric and eerie, Argentinian fantasy-horror-thriller with cult appeal from writer/ director Alejandro Fadel (The Wild Ones). Starring newcomer Victor Lopez as a policeman investigating a series of gruesome murders after headless bodies start to appear in the region. The excellent Lopez stars alongside the equally talented Tania Casciani (Los Ojos Ilorosos), Esteban Bigliardi (La Flor) and Sofia Palomino (Emilia).


Theatrical Release: May 13th, 2008 (Cannes Film Festival)

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Review: Anti-Worlds Releasing - Region FREE - Blu-ray

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Distribution Anti-Worlds Releasing - Region FREE - Blu-ray
Runtime 1:49:31.250        

2.39:1 1080P Dual-layered Blu-ray

Disc Size: 49,005,064,677 bytes

Feature: 32,461,077,888 bytes

Video Bitrate: 33.80 Mbps

Codec: MPEG-4 AVC Video

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.

Bitrate Blu-ray:


DTS-HD Master Audio Spanish 3558 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 3558 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bit)

Dolby Digital Audio Spanish 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -30dB

Subtitles English, English (Subtitles for commentary), None
Features Release Information:
Anti-Worlds Releasing


2.39:1 1080P Dual-layered Blu-ray

Disc Size: 49,005,064,677 bytes

Feature: 32,461,077,888 bytes

Video Bitrate: 33.80 Mbps

Codec: MPEG-4 AVC Video


Edition Details:

• Newly recorded commentary track featuring key crew
• “The Enigmatic Element” World Blu-ray premiere of this mid-length feature set in the world of the main film (41:01)
• Eight Deleted Scenes
• Un-filmed scenes animated and voiced by the film’s director Alejandro Fadel (14:12)
• Theatrical trailers (Green Band - 1:39 / Red Band - 2:04)
Limited edition exclusive 24-page booklet containing new writing on the film by Evrim Ersoy, film credits and technical details
Make your own monster! - access to print files for a 3D printer to create a replica of the film’s monster

Blu-ray Release Date: July 24th, 2023

Transparent Blu-ray Case inside slipcase

Chapters 12




NOTE: The below Blu-ray captures were taken directly from the Blu-ray disc.

ADDITION: Anti-Worlds Releasing Blu-ray (August 2023): Anti-Worlds Releasing have transferred Alejandro Fadel's Murder Me Monster to Blu-ray. It is cited as being a "Director supervised presentation of the film". It look stellar in 1080P. Beautiful cinematography - Julián Apezteguia and Manuel Rebella - framed at 2.39:1 with balanced, natural, colors, pristine detail and exceptional contrast. It's on a dual-layered disc with a max'ed out bitrate and the image quality is exceptional. 

NOTE: We have added 48 more large resolution Blu-ray captures (in lossless PNG format) for DVDBeaver Patrons HERE

On their Blu-ray, Anti-Worlds Releasing use a robust DTS-HD Master 5.1 surround track (24-bit) in the original Spanish language. Murder Me Monster has snappy separations coming from the rear channels with intense bass response. The haunting score was by Alex Nante (The Kaiser of Atlantis), augmenting the spookier aspects of the film; the darkness and the shadows of less decipherable curiosities. Delightful. Anti-Worlds Releasing offer optional English subtitles (for the film and the Spanish-language commentary) on their Region FREE Blu-ray.

The Anti-Worlds Releasing Blu-ray offers a new commentary featuring key crew, including Santiago Calori (Moderator), Alejandro Fadel (Director/Writer), Julian Apezteguia (Co-DoP), Manuel Rebella (Co-DoP), Flora Caligiuri (Costume Designer), Laura Caligiuri (Art Director), Daniel Rutolo (Production Director and Field Producer), Santiago Fumagalli (Sound Director), Andres Pepe Estrada (Film Editor), and Agustina Llambi-Campbell (Producer.) So it's a group effort with everyone chiming in - reminiscing about their part in the production. It is in the Spanish-language with optional English subtitles specifying who is talking by identifying initials. “The Enigmatic Element” is the premiere of this 41-minute feature set in the world of the main film as a spin-off from 'Murder Me Monster' - it further explores the world hinted at in the original feature, a medium length sensory experience wherein we delve deeper into the mysteries first hinted at. Also included - voiced by the film’s director Alejandro Fadel - is a video segment using unseen storyboards as the director guides us through a 1/4 hour of his intended opening and closing scenes that were in his first script but never shot for the final film. There are eight deleted scenes and Green Band and Red Band theatrical trailers plus the package has a limited edition exclusive 24-page booklet containing new writing on the film by Evrim Ersoy, film credits and technical details.    

Alejandro Fadel's Murder Me Monster is a very graphic and intense horror with many decapitations, disembodied limbs and a hellish multi-mouthed, bloated, creature. Murder Me Monster has murder investigations, playful magic, telepathy and surreal circumstances in artful landscapes - one of which has a mountain range of three 'M's... and elsewhere. The plot evolves with fairy-tale hints in a remote Argentine village hidden somewhere in the Andes. It's unusual, atmospheric and scary. Murder Me Monster is another highly interesting and challenging piece of world cinema from Anti-Worlds Releasing - now on Blu-ray (see Holiday, Chained For Life and Earwig) The disc is stacked with extras including a commentary and booklet. Murder-mystery and a modern creature-feature horror meld in a disjointed but still effective Independent effort with many intentionally unanswered questions. Visually beautiful - it will appeal to a select crowd of genre lovers.

Gary Tooze


Menus / Extras



















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Distribution Anti-Worlds Releasing - Region FREE - Blu-ray



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