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S E A R C H    D V D B e a v e r


directed by John Gilling

UK 1961


The DVD of Shadow of the Cat is compared to the Blu-ray HERE


A normally placid pussy turns into a ferocious feline hell-bent for revenge against the treacherous trio who murdered her mistress in this interesting horror film. One of the killers was the woman's husband; the other two were her servants. The woman was quite wealthy, and the avaricious trio killed her to get at her fortune. Unfortunately, the crime was witnessed by the cat. Later the husband tries to convince his niece that the cat and the will must be destroyed. Soon after, the killer kitty leaps out and literally scares him to death. The cat then takes the niece and her lover to her aunt's corpse. In the end, the three inherit the fortune.


Theatrical Release: September 1961

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DVD Review: Final Cut Entertainment - Region 2, 8 - PAL

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Final Cut Entertainment

Region 2, 8 - PAL

Runtime 1:15:21 (4% PAL speedup)

1.33:1 Aspect Ratio
Average Bitrate: 5.9 mb/s
PAL 720x576 25.00 f/s

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio English Dolby Digital 2.0
Subtitles English (SDH), None
Features Release Information:
Studio: Final Cut Entertainment

Aspect Ratio:
Fullscreen - 1.33:1

Edition Details:
• Shadow Play: Inside The Shadow of the Cat (25:36)

• Trailer (1:00)

• Stills Gallery (3:54)

• Catastrophe (audio recollection - Ian Scoones - 3:48)

Reversible Sleeve featuring both original UK & USA artwork

DVD Release Date: May 19th, 2014
Standard Transparent Keep case

Chapters 12



The DVD of Shadow of the Cat is compared to the Blu-ray HERE

Another impressive image transfer from Final Cut Entertainment via a modest, single-layered, progressive rendering. Detail and contrast are at the very high-end for SD. I do question the 1.33:1 aspect ratio. Should this not be widescreen?

The Shadow of the Cat is a cool, simple, horror - with plenty of Brit, Hammer-esque charm. It evokes all the cat-female related films, 'pre' and 'post' the production. I found it appealing.

The visuals are consistent and clean with impressive contrast supporting a solid digital presentation. No real complaints about the film's image quality - accepting the AR question. There is no damage or excessive speckles. The audio is a bit scattered but has no unforgivable flaws. Optional English subtitles are offered.

Supplements include a new, 25-minute, documentary entitled Shadow Play: Inside The Shadow of the Cat examining The Shadow of the Cat's intriguing status as a Hammer Horror featuring Alan Barnes, Marcus Hearn, Denis Meikle, Jason Morell and Jonathan Rigby. There is a trailer, stills gallery and Catastrophe - a 4-minuteaudio recollection by Special Effects Assistant Ian Scoones.  The package has an eversible Sleeve featuring both original UK & USA artwork.

I find it a little pricey but no doubt the film and included extrs offer value. You may wish to wait for the price to drop but I really enjoyed this!

  - Gary Tooze


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Final Cut Entertainment

Region 2, 8 - PAL


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Gary Tooze

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