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(aka 'Monsters from the Moon')

Directed by Phil Tucker


Compared to the Blu-ray of Robot Monster HERE


'For the budget and for the time' said Tucker, 'I felt I had achieved greatness'. His 3-D cheapster in fact lifted all its special effects wholesale and without reconsideration from its 1940 predecessor, One Million B.C. Yet it's the winner of the Golden Turkey Award for Most Ridiculous Monster in Screen History (a plump, hirsute little robot).

Excerpt from TimeOut Film Guide located HERE


Theatrical Release: June 25th, 1953

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DVD Review: Image Entertainment - Region 0 - NTSC

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Distribution Image Entertainment  - Region 0 - NTSC
Runtime 1:02:28 
Video 1.33:1 Aspect Ratio
Average Bitrate: 7.95 mb/s
NTSC 720x480 29.97 f/s 

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio English (Dolby Digital 2.0) 
Subtitles None

Release Information:
Studio: Image Entertainment

Aspect Ratio:
Original Aspect Ratio 1.33:1

Edition Details:

• Trailer (1:31) 

DVD Release Date: March 2nd, 2012

Keep Case
Chapters: 12



Compared to the Blu-ray of Robot Monster HERE

NOTE: This is the 2-D version although the film was released in some theatres in 3-D.

I was watching Plan 9 From Outer Space on Blu-ray (review forthcoming) before watching this - and let me tell you - Robot Monster is way worse!  This may be the biggest crap-fest I've ever seen. There is a guy in a gorilla suit wearing diving-helmet - and he is the 'robot'. It's like a very bad student film but for those who enjoy cinema from the wrong-side-of-the-tracks this is primo fare.

The stingy Image Entertainment DVD is single-layered, interlaced (see last capture), has only a trailer as an extra and barely has menu screens. Audio is unremarkable but close, I'll wager, to the way it was produced. There are no subtitles offered and aside from the combing - the image quality is not too bad. There is no real damage and contrast seems acceptable with some decent tightness. Funnily, damage may have actually improved the presentation.

The film is a real artifact of 50's, creature-feature, sci-fi. Fascinating in the same way Ed Wood's work is - like "how could this ever get produced?".  A great way to start a Friday night double feature as it can only make the second film look so much better. Fans who can appreciate films 'so bad they are good' might hold Robot Monster as the bellwether of 'camp'.

Gary W. Tooze


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Combing from interlaced transfer


DVD Box Cover


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Distribution Image Entertainment  - Region 0 - NTSC

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Gary Tooze

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