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S E A R C H    D V D B e a v e r


directed by Mitchell Leisen, Richard Thorpe (uncredited)
USA 1955


The suspense in Bedevilled turns out to be whether Steve Forrest will break the vow of celibacy he hasn't yet taken. (Maybe he was following in the footsteps of his brother Dana Andrews, who played a priest in Edge of Doom.) As an American off to Rome to study for Holy Orders, Forrest gets three days to kill in Paris. When his buddy Robert Christopher, nauseous after their bumpy transatlantic flight, takes to bed, Forrest decides to explore the city on his own. But, like nuns, those seminarians travel in pairs for good reason: They might run smack into Anne Baxter.

Forrest's attempts at cool politeness seem wasted on the mercurial Baxter, who either clings to him for comfort or tells him to clear out of her life ('I don't know you from AC/DC,' she snaps at one point). When the police show up at the Elephant Blanc, a cabaret where she sings, she names Forrest as her alibi for the past several hours, even though they've just met. She tells him she just witnessed a murder and may soon wind up a victim herself. When some thugs start following her, Forrest helps her hide out until she can flee the country (no easy task, since her passport has been stolen).

Excerpt of review from Bill McVicar at located HERE


Theatrical Release: 28 April 1955 (USA)

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DVD Review: Warner Home Video (Warner Archive Collection) - Region 0 - NTSC

Big thanks to Gregory Meshman for the Review!

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Warner Home Video

Region 0 - NTSC

Runtime 1:25:24

2.45:1 Original Aspect Ratio

16X9 enhanced
Average Bitrate: 6.55 mb/s
NTSC 720x480 29.97 f/s

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo (English)
Subtitles None
Features Release Information:
Studio: Warner Home Video

Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen anamorphic - 2.45:1

Edition Details:
• Theatrical trailer (3:13)

DVD Release Date: February 28th, 2012
Keep Case

Chapters 9



Bedevilled (not to be confused with Bewitched also available from Warner Archive Collection) is a mid-1950's noir-lite directed by Mitchell Leisen and filmed on a streets of Paris in a beautiful CinemaScope by legendary cinematographer Freddie Young (Lawrence of Arabia) that won him his first Oscar, is crying for a Blu-ray release). Steve Forrest makes a bland hero who got derailed by femme fatale Anne Baxter on his way to become a priest.

The beautifully thick image is in a very wide at 2.45:1 aspect ratio. Typically there seems to be some CinemaScope horizontal stretching (often referred to as 'mumps'). The progressive transfer has very little damage and has a stable appearance on this single-layered disc. The black levels are decent, so all the scenes in the night register well. The English Dolby Digital sound is in stereo, for a change, with a nice separation, but per usual standard there are no subtitles. The single extra is a 3-minute trailer. Bedevilled gets a very nice DVD release from Warner Archive Collection.

  - Gregory Meshman


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Warner Home Video

Region 0 - NTSC



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