Review by Leonard Norwitz
Theatrical: Warner Bros. Pictures
Blu-ray: Warner Home Video
Region: All
Runtime: 2:32:13
Chapters: 39
Size: 35.07 GB
Disc Size: 40,716,923,842 bytes
Average Bitrate: 30.72 Mbps
Case: Standard Amaray Blu-ray case w/ slipcover
Release date: December 9th, 2008
Aspect ratio: 2.40:1 (35 mm) & 1.78:1 (IMAX)
Resolution: 1080p
Video codec: VC-1
Bitrate Graph:
Dolby TrueHD Audio English 1505 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1505
kbps / 16-bit (AC3 Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps)
Dolby Digital Audio English 640 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
Dolby Digital Audio French 640 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
Dolby Digital Audio Spanish 640 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 640 kbps
Dolby Digital Audio English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps
/ Dolby Surround
English, French & Spanish
• Movie with Focus Points: Gotham Uncovered – mostly in HD
• Batman Tech: The Incredible Gadgets & Tools- in HD (45:59)
• Batman Unmasked: The Psychology of The Dark Knight – in HD
• Gotham Tonight: 6 Episodes of Gotham Cable's Premier News
Program – in HD (46:41)
• The Galleries: Joker Cards, Concept & Poster Art,
Production Stills (slide show: about 31 minutes)
• Trailers & TV Spots
• Digital Copy Disc
• BD-Live
The Film:
I gather there are 2.40:1 video screens out there - an idea
that has always struck me as odd - though my math has never
been good enough to say why exactly. In any case these folks
are going to be SOL for the new Dark Knight video.
Perhaps you saw The Dark Knight in the theatre. Perhaps you
saw it in IMAX. If so, then you would have been aware of the
shift in aspect ratios between 2.40:1 for those sequences
shot in 35 mm to 1.44:1 for the IMAX bits. I wondered how
Warner was going to handle this when it came to bringing out
the movie on Blu-ray. I had read advance notices that
indicated Warner would do something to respect director
Nolan's intentions. In fact they did, and the result is very
impressive. More on this later.
Each of the three directors of the big Batman movies made
since 1989 has had a second shot (cf: Tim Burton and Joel
Schumacher), but no one until Christopher Nolan has
significantly improved upon his initial effort. Burton's
Joker made it clear that the main difference between him and
the caped crusader was that one of them was insane. It was
evident even then that Batman operates under rules he makes
for himself and those rules trump the rules of society when
it comes to catching bad guys. Burton scratched the surface,
but Nolan drives us right into the darkest recesses of the
batcave that resides deep in Waynes's psyche. One thing is
clear: the aptly monikered Dark Knight does not follow the
precepts set down by the Corleone's: with Wayne, everything
is personal; business applies only to his toys, as Nicholson
so gleefully referred to them.
Alas, The Dark Knight will be remembered for its being Heath
Ledger's final on-screen role perhaps even more than the
intriguing film it is. It will take some time to put the
performances of Ledger and Bale in perspective, for the one
is meaningless without the other. (My present take on
Ledger's characterization of Joker is that is mesmerizing
while not entirely coherent. On the other hand, we have to
ask ourselves if we ought to expect an insane character to
be coherent.) Hedger's fate aside, both actors play their
parts well in bringing about Batman's psychological crisis.
And they get help from Two-Face Harvey Dent, played with
unexpected tragic menace by Aaron Eckhart. Michael Caine
reprises his role as the faithful Alfred, and Morgan Freeman
returns as Wayne's enterprising technical wizard, Lucius
Fox. Lt. Gordon is played by Gary Oldman. And Rachel Dawes,
previously played by a lightweight Katie Holmes, has matured
into Maggie Gyllenhaal.
The below
captures were taken directly from the
The first number indicates a relative level of excellence
compared to other
video discs on a ten-point scale.
The second number places this image along the full range of
DVD and
The 9~10 score corresponds to the parts of the movie that
were shot in 35 mm vs the parts shot in IMAX. IMAX has a
negative area some 4 times greater than 2.4:1 on 35 mm film.
The resolution is fabulous, and requires a higher scanning
rate in mastering to retain all of its advantage. I have a
call into Warner to see if, like Baraka, the IMAX portions
were scanned at 8k, and will revise my remarks when I find
out. What I can tell you is that the image on my 104-inch
screen is as dense as any live action film I've seen outside
of Baraka. I did detect some problem with image coherence in
the opening helicopter shot as the IMAX camera moves across
a rooftop, but it may have been a weakness in motion
processing at my end. I don't recall observing this problem
at the theatre.
The Dark Knight was the first feature film I saw at an IMAX
theatre and I did not know what to expect except that I knew
that only some portions of the movie were shot in that
format. Curiously, I was not really aware of the switching
aspect ratios (possibly because I was sitting so close) but
I was aware of the difference in resolution, and that
difference was not at all subtle. And while the difference
between the IMAX and 35 mm portions of the
evident, they aren't nearly as spectacular as they were in
the theatre.
Despite the presence of an hour's worth of a 1080i bonus
feature (though typically at bit rates of less 10 Mbps), bit
rates for the feature film, regardless of its being 35 mm or
IMAX-sourced tend to wander around the low 30s. And if you
thought you were seeing noiseless blacks before, just wait
until you see these nighttime shots in IMAX!
IMAX Screen caps!
Screen caps provided by BLU-NOTE (DVDBeaver reviewer)
Audio & Music:
There are two things I remember distinctly from my IMAX
theatrical viewing (I went a second time to the same theatre
a week later and sat further back): the first is that the
last word of Joker's first line without his mask: "I believe
whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you. . . stranger"
was swallowed by the mix. I noticed it both times and I was
eager to hear how this would play at home. The second is
Bale's voice as Batman, which sounded like the microphone
was placed inside his body. I speculated that this might be
the same kind of inflated midrange that Cineplex theatres
offer. I was surprised on both counts: "stranger" is not
swallowed, and Bale's voice is still cavernous, but in
proportion to the rest of the mix.
The surround track is an opportunity to make one's day or
screw the pooch. In this case, the pooch can go back home –
without dinner. There are numerous action scenes with cars,
trucks, motorcycles, planes and helicopters careening and
crashing into one thing or another, to say nothing of all
types of gunfire in all manner of indoor and outdoor
locations, to say nothing of building explosions – with us
in or near the worst of it. A good deal of all this is
filmed in IMAX so it is essential that the audio mix –
effects, dialogue and music (with significant contributions
by veterans Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard) – all come
to together in a series of uncompressed audio knockout
punches. I want to give special mention to the music score
which is conceived more as an effect than a melodious
Note that, unlike other audio mix pairings I've encountered,
the Dolby TrueHD is set at a lower level, so don't neglect
to turn it up a bit if you start with DD 5.1. Right from the
opening, with some of the softest audio cues on video, to
the awesome low frequency music and other effects, the
upgrade is felt to be an absolute must. The low frequencies
are no longer simply thuds, but have impulse; dialogue is
clearer, with or with masks, and all arms fire and their
ricochets are more clearly identified and placed.
If you happen to look at the back cover before hastily
grasping your disc for play, you might notice some childlike
scribbling and graffiti – like so much vandalism. Guess who
wrote it!
Like Warner DVDs and
before it, The Dark Knight
begins almost by the time you return to your seat without
preambles, assuming you have a fast-loading player. This
process can be interrupted if you want, but be warned that
the default audio mix is Dolby Digital 5.1 so if you want
uncompressed audio you'll have to ask for it.
The menu operations are very easy to use and, considering
the opportunity for being devious, they're not. I'm so
happy. One last: I noticed an audio track I had never seen
before: a Descriptive English Language that described the
events on the screen – for the visually impaired I wondered?
(See Extras for details re: "Movie with Focus Points," which
is contained on disc 1 along with the feature film for
obvious reasons.)
Two points off for the unnecessary and accident prone
internal flip-page.
Warner's answer to Universal's U-Control is "Movie with
Focus Points" – not very catchy, but a very different and, I
feel, more effective solution to bringing up special feature
material in the context of the movie. Universal relies
mostly on picture-in-picture: an icon appears inviting you
to bring up the PIP. Now this PIP is not like a running
audio commentary that might refer to the very frames you are
simultaneously viewing or about to view, so I have always
found it a bit distracting to have both running at the same
time. More problematic, even for those of us with large
screens, is the size of the PIP. It's almost too small to
get engaged, especially when the feature film is blazing
away six times larger. Nor do these same PIP episodes appear
elsewhere on the disc, though the information is often
incorporated in other bonus features.
Warner's Movie with Focus Points prefers you concentrate on
one thing or the other. So when you click on the icon, you
see a full size replacement of the feature film with several
minutes of relevant background material. Or, you may simply
watch them all in one huge segment, like a making-of
documentary of the sort we have seen in the past. Either
way, it takes the place of both the PIP concept and the
traditional audio commentary – for there is none on this
The hour-long Gotham Uncovered feature concentrates a good
deal on the choice of IMAX for more of the movie than you
might expect, and the particular technical and practical
challenges that come with it. It's a fascinating piece.
Other sections examine the new Bat-suit and Bat-pod, the
latter was especially interesting, I thought, inasmuch as I
hadn't picked up on how difficult the thing must have been
to steer. As much as I enjoy an audio commentary (which I
usually watch in audio only), I thought the material here
demanded a video commentary and, given how thorough and
well-produced this one is, I didn't miss a running audio
On the second disc there are another roughly three hours of
material: Batman Tech looks at Batman's gadgets and tools,
many of which are military and industrial real-world based.
Batman Unmasked delves into the psyche of Bruce Wayne and
his alter ego from the perspective of psychotherapists in
the field. Gotham Tonight presents six (count them) faux
news stories, totaling some three quarters of an hour, about
Gotham's caped crusader and the man whose face Gotham does
see. Very droll. The main Galleries can be viewed either as
slide shows or in manual advance. The many varieties of
Joker playing cards are many and various - Fascinating.
Bottom line:
The Dark Knight certainly wins a place on my Ten Best
releases from 2008 which so far includes:
Nightmare Before Christmas,
Sleeping Beauty and
The Restored Godfather
Trilogy. I shall say no more.
Leonard Norwitz
November 24th, 2008