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S E A R C H    D V D B e a v e r

(aka "Sangailes vasara" )


directed by Alante Kavaite
Lithuania/France/Netherlands 2015


Seventeen-year-old Sangaile (Julija Steponaityte) lives a rather joyless existence as the daughter of an oblivious father and a hypercritical former ballerina mother. Her sole fascination are the stunt planes - flown by real-life Lithuanian aerobic pilot Jurgis Kairys at the air show in the village near the family's summer villa - but she suffers from crippling vertigo. Sangaile catches the eye of waitress/hopeful dress designer Auste (Aiste Dirziute) and she tries to draw the morose girl out of her isolation in a series of "games" of dress-up as Sangaile models her clothes. Auste's sympathetic reaction to Sangaile's secret leads to a greater intimacy that isolates the two of them in their games for a short time; but the two have decisions to make about their own lives once the summer ends. Auste wants to go to school and make a career out of her designs and Sangaile undertakes a series of near-suicidal attempts to cure herself of her vertigo.

Eric Cotenas


Theatrical Release: 29 July 2015 (France)

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DVD Review: Strand Releasing - Region 1 - NTSC

Big thanks to Eric Cotenas for the Review!

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Strand Releasing

Region 1 - NTSC

Runtime 1:30:06

1.81:1 Original Aspect Ratio

16X9 enhanced
Average Bitrate: 8.45 mb/s
NTSC 720x480 29.97 f/s

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio Lithuanian Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles English, none
Features Release Information:
Studio: Strand Releasing

Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen anamorphic - 1.81:1

Edition Details:
� Interview with director Alante Kavaite (19:13)
� '3 Years Later' featurette (12:44)
� Photo Gallery
� Theatrical Trailer (1:33)
� Previews

DVD Release Date: February 23rd, 2016

Chapters 8





Strand Releasing's high-bitrate, progressive, anamorphic transfer looks as gorgeous as the film can in standard definition, shooting with various high definition cameras in lighting conditions better suited to film but still looking quite admirable. A sole encoding glitch of a few frames does appear late in the film but may go unnoticed. The Dolby Digital 5.1 track is fairly restrained apart from the aerial sequences and others in which music and exaggerated environmental effects veer towards the surreal. The optional English subtitles are without any obvious errors. Director Kavaite appears in an interview recorded at the Outfest screening in which she discusses how her Beaux Arts education differed from traditional film school and her approach to the coming of age film as being lighter than usual because she wanted to make the sort of film that she would have found uplifting during her own tumultuous youth. In the featurette "3 Years Later", the two stars reflect on one another's characters "in character." The remaining extras consist of a photo gallery, trailer, and previews.

  - Eric Cotenas


DVD Menus


Screen Captures

Subtitle sample














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Strand Releasing

Region 1 - NTSC


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S E A R C H    D V D B e a v e r


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