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directed by Jim Wynorski
USA 2011

After reports start cropping up about tourist disappearances and sightings of the "River Devil", herpetologist Lovegrove (Michael Madsen, KILL BILL) sets off into the Hawaiian jungle in search of the creature. He manages to secure one of its eggs and escape into the jungle when it attacks and kills his small crew; however, Lovegrove runs right into the path of ransomers lead by Pike (Michael Swan, CAMEL SPIDERS) and Talia (former model Rachael Hunter). In pursuit of its egg, the hungry creature - a genetic cross between a piranha and an anaconda - finds much to fill its belly thanks to plenty of scantily-clad tourists, ample-chested scientists, and the film crew of HEADCHOPPER 3 including vapid lead actress Kimmy (Shandi Finnessey, SHARKTOPUS), head-chopping stuntman Jack (Robert 'Rib' Hillis, DINOCROC VS SUPERGATOR), crass director Milo (Chris De Christopher, WOLF MAN VS PIRANHAMAN: HOWL OF THE PIRANHA), C4-packing effects tech Gunner (Kurt Yaeger, ALIEN HUNGER), and sardonic script girl Rose (Terri Ivens, TRANCERS 4).

The fourth of a series of recent Asylum-esque mutant monster collaborations between producer Roger Corman and director Jim Wynorski (after a brief interval following their frequent New World Pictures and Concorde collaborations from the eighties and nineties), PIRANHACONDA is very much like the prior CAMEL SPIDERS in terms of structure and underwhelming results. Filling out the thin story with a multitude of deservingly-stupid victims doesn't really make up for the lack of fun, familiar faces that used to populate the casts of older Corman films (Madsen looks bored and "Stacy's Mom" Hunter's role is woefully underwritten given her second-billing). CGI monsters can be amusing, but CGI bloodshed is just tiresome no matter what leftover limbs fly at the camera. This one would probably play better caught on TV rather than purchased or even rented on disc.

Eric Cotenas


Theatrical Release:

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DVD Review: Chelsea Films - Region 2 - PAL

Big thanks to Eric Cotenas for the Review!

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Chelsea Films

Region 2 - PAL

Runtime 1:22:30 (4% PAL speedup)

1.78:1 Original Aspect Ratio

16X9 enhanced
Average Bitrate: 8.41 mb/s
PAL 720x576 25.00 f/s

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio English Dolby Digital 5.1; English Dolby Digital 2.0 stereo
Subtitles none
Features Release Information:
Studio: Chelsea Films

Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen anamorphic - 1.78:1

Edition Details:
• Trailer (16:9; 1:28)

DVD Release Date: January 7th, 2013

Chapters 12



Chelsea Films' high-bitrate anamorphic transfer can only look as good as the original HD videography and "edgy" color correction (the increased contrast of which leads to some blown-out highlights in some of the sunny exteriors).

The 5.1 track is suitably boisterous (a 2.0 track is also included) but nothing extraordinary. The only extra is a trailer (a wasted opportunity since Chelsea Films could have advertised some of its other similar films like DRAGON WASPS).

- Eric Cotenas


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Chelsea Films

Region 2 - PAL



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