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S E A R C H    D V D B e a v e r

(aka "Our Paradise" )


directed by Gaël Morel
France 2011


Doomed hustlers seem to be a formulaic thing in French gay cinema, and OUR PARADISE is no exception. One night aging hustler Vassili (Stéphane Rideau, a fixture of French gay cinema going all the way back to André Téchiné's WILD REEDS which co-starred this film's director Gaël Morel) comes a across beaten youth (Dimitri Durdaine) who either has no memory or is unwilling to reveal his identity, so Vassili christens him "Angelo". Although Vassili claims not to be Angelo's pimp, he soon finds that the clients have a preference for the younger man. Angelo remains oblivious to Vassili's habit of rolling (and sometimes killing) clients until he kills a particularly sadistic john. When Vassili is spotted by one of the clients he didn't kill, the young couple split from Paris and visit Vassili's old friend Anna (Béatrice Dalle, BETTY BLUE) a swinger-turned-single-mother/waitress/magicican's assistant who has named her son (Mathis Morisset) after him. While Anna is working (and yearning for the old days), Vassili, Angelo, and Vassili form a makeshift family (in between rolling more clients to save up for their getaway to paradise). They even take the kid along on a visit to Vassili the elder's wealthy sugar daddy Victor (Didier Flamand, THE CRIMSON RIVERS). Vassili and Angelo are able to literally soak in some of the luxury of Victor's Swiss chalet; however, sexual tension, greed, and the jealousy of Victor's long-term boyfriend Kamel (Malik Issolah, GRANDE ECOLE) arouse Vassili's more ruthless instincts and spell tragedy for everyone involved.

Eric Cotenas


Theatrical Release: 28 September 2011 (France)

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DVD Review: Breaking Glass Pictures/QC Cinema - Region 1 - NTSC

Big thanks to Eric Cotenas for the Review!

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Breaking Glass Pictures/QC Cinema

Region 1 - NTSC

Runtime 1:40:06

1.85:1 Original Aspect Ratio

16X9 enhanced
Average Bitrate: 5.79 mb/s
NTSC 720x480 29.97 f/s

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio French Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles English, none
Features Release Information:
Studio: Breaking Glass Pictures/QC Cinema

Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen anamorphic - 1.85:1

Edition Details:
• Trailer (16:9; 1:33)

DVD Release Date: February 19th, 2013

Chapters 12



QC Cinema's barebones disc of this explicit but dreary French flic features an attractive progressive transfer and retains the original 5.1 track. The optional subtitles, however, lag behind the dialogue by a second or two for much of the running time; later on they match up, and then later still, they seem to run ahead of the dialogue. This is not as distracting as it would seem, even in talkier scenes, but it unfortunate. Extras are limited to a trailer and trailers for other QC titles.

  - Eric Cotenas


DVD Menus


Screen Captures

Subtitle sample














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Breaking Glass Pictures/QC Cinema

Region 1 - NTSC


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S E A R C H    D V D B e a v e r


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