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S E A R C H    D V D B e a v e r


directed by Jimmy Sangster
UK 1958


Three killers await an opportunity to carry out orders to get rid of the president of the South American Republic, who is in Canada for a delicate brain operation.


British melodrama maven Jimmy Sangster adapted his screenplay for Intent to Kill from a novel by Michael Bryan. Richard Todd plays a Montreal doctor who is in love with his pretty American assistant Betsy Drake. Todd is saddled with a viper-tongued wife (Catherine Boyle), who wants him to leave the provinces for a posh practice in London. The good doctor's problems are intensified when he is obliged to perform delicate brain surgery on a hated South American president (Herbert Lom), who has been targeted for assassination by a "trusted" colleague (Carlo Giustini). Only the intervention of police detective Paul Carpenter saves Todd from stopping a bullet himself. The heated intrigues of Intent to Kill are contrasted by the wintry Montreal exteriors.

Excerpt of review from MRQE located HERE


Theatrical Release: July 16th, 1958

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DVD Review: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation (Cinema Archives) - Region 0 - NTSC

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Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Region 0 - NTSC

Runtime 1:28:42

1.33:1 pan and scan Aspect Ratio
Average Bitrate: 6.2 mb/s
NTSC 720x480 29.97 f/s

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio Dolby Digital 2.0 (English)
Subtitles None
Features Release Information:
Studio: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Aspect Ratio:
Original - 1.33:1

Edition Details:
• None

DVD Release Date: July 17th, 2010
Keep Case

Chapters 9



Intent to Kill is a very above-average UK thriller as none-other than the great cinematographer Jack Cardiff 's directorial feature debut. Suspense builds well and there are many positives to the plot development.

Unfortunately, there is a rather large black-mark. The film - definitely widescreen (2.35:1, I believe) - has been pan-and-scanned to 1.33:1. This is easily evident in the awkward compositions and is a terrible flaw for Fox in their DVD-R series entitled 'Cinema Archives'.  It's standard single-layered and progressive. It has the usual flaws - some light damage and speckles. Black levels are decent. Aside from the AR faux-pas it is an acceptable SD presentation.

The mono sound is decent but unremarkable and there are no subtitles offered. There are no supplements not even a trailer.

The trouble is that I doubt this will be released again on DVD. It's a super flic and deserves better. Those who can withstand the aspect ratio bastardization - should enjoy the film as a cool British thriller.  

  - Gary Tooze



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Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Region 0 - NTSC


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