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S E A R C H    D V D B e a v e r


directed by Johnny Daukes
UK 2012


Eight people are staying the weekend at Oakley Court for a two day business seminar on assertiveness titled "The End Justifies the Means" conducted by Brad Angel (Demetri Goritsas, X-MEN: FIRST CLASS). Among them are milquetoast home security salesman Victor (Iain Robertson, BASIC INSTINCT 2), corporate tease Mary (Myfanwy Waring, DOT THE I), amoral real estate agent Jacqui (Doon Mackichan), jaded band manager Jamie (Michael Wildman, THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM), timid funeral home director Gita (Shobu Kapoor, FILTH AND WISDOM), mob enforcers Terry (Ian Burfield, THE INTERNATIONAL) and Phil (Jay Simpson, ERIK THE VIKING), and conman/insurance agent Malcolm (Harry Enfield, TOOTH). Little do they all know that they have been brought together as part of the grand scheme of omnipotent Godfrey (Simon Callow, AMADEUS) to bring together destined lovers Victor and Mary. Godfrey has a tough time of it since idealistic Victor and cynical Mary constantly clash over their basic philosophies; however, as the weekend continues, Godfrey himself discovers that even his puppetry is subject to fate as an interconnected web is revealed among his guests and revolving around the unforeseen (by Godfrey) fate of one of them.

The whole of ACTS OF GODFREY is narrated and acted in rhyming couplets; but that is only one of the reasons that audiences may find the first act hard slog. With motivational speaker Brad, it tries to set up a philosophical context for its plot machinations that does not engage the viewer. The film picks up after about twenty minutes, but both Robertson and Waring are overshadowed by Callow and Enfield - as well as Burfield and Simpson (who are also given smarter couplets than the romantic leads) and their will they/won't they relationship is less interesting than what else is going on in the plot (even though Robertson's Victor is the protagonist, it seems as if his whole story and character arc are the subplot). Celia Imrie (BRIDGET JONES' DIARY) also appears as one of Malcolm's gullible victims. The film also offers its viewers a view of former Hammer horror palace Oakley Court as it is now, restored and being run as a hotel.

Eric Cotenas


Theatrical Release: 27 January 2012 (UK)

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DVD Review: Guerilla Films - Region 0 - PAL

Big thanks to Eric Cotenas for the Review!

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Guerilla Films

Region 0 - PAL

Runtime 1:21:12 (4% PAL speedup)

1.85:1 Original Aspect Ratio

16X9 enhanced
Average Bitrate: 6.49 mb/s
PAL 720x576 25.00 f/s

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio English Dolby Digital 5.1; English Dolby Digital 2.0 stereo
Subtitles none
Features Release Information:
Studio: Guerilla Films

Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen anamorphic - 1.85:1

Edition Details:
• Behind the Scenes (16:9; 21:11)
• Cast Interviews:
• - Simon Callow (16:9; 5:37)
• - Iain Robertson (16:9; 3:28)
• - Celia Imrie (16:9; 1:21)
• - Ian Burfield & Jay Simpson (16:9; 2:47)
• - Elspeth Brodie (16:9; 1:42)
• - Demetri Goritsas (16:9; 2:53)
• - Shobu Kapoor (16:9; 4:55)
• - Myfanwy Waring (16:9; 2:54)
• - Michael Wildman (16:9; 3:37)
• - Doon MacKichan (16:9; 2:08)
• - Michael McKell (16:9; 0:55)

DVD Release Date: April 16th, 2012

Chapters 12



Guerilla Films' single-layer-sized anamorphic, progressive encoding sports light edge enhancement, but details are quite good in close-ups. The 5.1 audio is suited to the nature of the production: the many dialogue scenes are restrained but the mix comes to life during the fantasy and flashback cutaways (a 2.0 stereo downmix is also included).

A twenty-minute behind-the-scenes segment as well as short interview segments with eleven members of the ensemble cast (a "play all" option would have been welcome since some of the interviews are quite brief).

  - Eric Cotenas


DVD Menus


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Guerilla Films

Region 0 - PAL


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