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(aka "The Golden Gun" )


directed by Eduardo Pinto
Argentina 2008


Panceta (Lautaro Delgado) is a young pipe-cutter who smuggles the scrap pieces of pipe to his garage workshop where he constructs make-shift guns that he sells to small-time kingpin Tacom (Juan Jose Ortiz). When meeting up with Tacom for an exchance at a benefit given by Don Fermin (Sergio Ferreiro) for a boy who lost an eye to a bullet, Panceta is far more interested in Don Fermin's granddaughter Clara (Camila Cruz) and talks her into going along with him on his weekend fishing trip. When Don Fermin cannot locate Clara the next day, Tacom - who has been sleeping with her on the side - suspects that she is with Panceta, and - under the guise of his concern with Don Fermin - alerts the authorities since Clara is a minor. Panceta is adamant that his mother (Tina Serrano) remain ignorant of his work (he tells her that he builds shelves in his workshop); but when he learns that Tacom has used the authorities to intimidate her and exposed his secret, Panceta sends Clara home and goes after Tacom with one of his own makeshift guns.

Although publicity materials want to make the film look like a badass action thriller, CANO DORADO is a more of a character drama. Panceta is given to the occasional violent fantasy, but he's a small-time hood who is more concerned that his mother does not find out about his work than getting caught (when Clara calls him an "arms dealer" he seems to deny it not so much out of any guilt or fear as much as he seems to think she's exaggerating what he really does). Tacom and his partner Melli (Alfredo Bertazzoni) intimidate the locals and run weapons, but their big get-rich plan is to partner with Don Fermin to get a piece of the action from his restaurant after seeing how much money the charity benefit raked in. Tacom is a paranoid drug addict and a sniveling coward when a weapon is pointed in his face, and Melli (at the end) seems at a loss when he cannot find Tacom. The slatternly Clara is one of the few characters who really grows by the end of the film. While actress Cruz is bewitching, the acting honors go to Delgado, Ferreiro, Serrano, and Luis Campos as Panceta's father's friend Polaco. Nods also to Daniel Ortega's gorgeous cinematography - shooting with the Red One rival Silicon S12K camera - of the muddy rivers and idyllic forests, and - in conjunction with editor Mariano Dawidson - one particularly marvelous scene transition.

Eric Cotenas


Theatrical Release: 29 October 2008 (USA)

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DVD Review: Isis - Region 0 - PAL

Big thanks to Eric Cotenas for the Review!

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Region 0 - PAL

Runtime 1:40:39 (4% PAL speedup)

2.44:1 Original Aspect Ratio

16X9 enhanced
Average Bitrate: 6.27 mb/s
PAL 720x576 25.00 f/s

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles English, none
Features Release Information:
Studio: Isis

Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen anamorphic - 2.44:1

Edition Details:
• Theatrical Trailer (16:9; 1:54)
• Estelares Soundtrack Info

DVD Release Date: 20 February 2012

Chapters 16



Mastered in 2K, the heavily recolored digital image adapts nicely to SD DVD (no complaints about the 5.1 track either). The optional English subtitles, on the other hand, may be eye-straining on smaller monitors however. The closing credits are either cropped or opened up to 1.78:1. A trailer (and trailers for other Isis releases) is the only extra.

  - Eric Cotenas


DVD Menus


Screen Captures

Subtitle sample














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Region 0 - PAL


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