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directed by John Flynn
USA 19


You know how it is. You hit us. We hit you.” Career thief Earl Macklin (Robert Duvall) pays no mind to the mobster’s threat. He intends to put a big hurt on an L.A. crime outfit. He, his girlfriend (Karen Black) and his partner (Joe Don Baker) will avenge the murder of Macklin’s brother by cutting down gangland operations bit by violent bit. Based on the novel by Point Blank author Richard Stark, The Outfit has a feel and grit that makes it a throwback to film noirs of the 1940s and ’50s. The casting of noir veterans underscores the tone: Robert Ryan, Jane Greer, Marie Windsor, Timothy Carey and Elisha Cook. Hollywood buffs will also enjoy seeing longtime Variety columnist Army Archerd in a bit role.


Theatrical Release: October, 1973

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DVD Review: Warner Home Video (Warner Archive Collection) - Region 0 - NTSC

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Warner Home Video

Region 0 - NTSC

Runtime 1:42:48

1.78:1 Aspect Ratio
Average Bitrate: 5.25 mb/s
NTSC 720x480 29.97 f/s

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio Dolby Digital 1.0 (English)
Subtitles None
Features Release Information:
Studio: Warner Home Video

Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1

Edition Details:
• Theatrical trailer (2:02)

DVD Release Date: November 16th, 2010
Keep Case

Chapters 30





The Outfit just reeks of that rough-and-ready 70's grit. What a star-studded affair for this decidedly tough crime flic. There is a decent pace and action - it's a film that have surfaced on a few Noir lists - and it certainly has the ant-hero protagonists.

It's standard single-layered but progressive and anamorphic in the 1.78:1 aspect ratio. It looks very good with only a few infrequent scratches that don't hinder the presentation. This is another title labeled under the Warner's new "Re-mastered Edition" marquee and the video is consistent with pleasing detail in the close-ups. Black levels are adequate and colors may be a bit faded - but has the 70's stock 'feel' and the minor weaknesses are not enough to make issue over.

The mono sound is decent but unremarkable and there are no subtitles offered. The only supplement is the film's 4:3 trailer - looking a bit rougher.

Besides the intensity The Outfit has a lot going for it with a no-nonsense Duvall and stoically grumpy Ryan. Let's not forgot all the small parts with 'noir beauty of the past' Jane Greer, journeyman Elisha Cook Jr. and the ever-present breasts of Sheree North. The 70's nostalgia runs deep and will be one of the biggest attributes for picking this gem up. This is an entertaining crime-underworld film - pretty badass.  

  - Gary Tooze



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Warner Home Video

Region 0 - NTSC


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Gary Tooze

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