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S E A R C H    D V D B e a v e r

(aka 'Code of Scotland Yard')

Directed by George King
UK 1947


Ever since his incarceration and torture on Devil's Island, Desius Heiss has had a major grudge against society. As revenge against the authorities, he allows his antique shop to become a front for criminal activity. Worried that his daughter might find out about his shady dealings, Heiss decides to silence his shop assistant, who's been trying to blackmail him...


Desius Heiss is the French-born owner of an antique shop on Sly Corner who bears a grudge against society. His imprisonment and torture on Devil's Island has left the scars of repeated whippings down his back. With little care for the authorities, Heiss has allowed his shop to become a centre of criminal activity and has a secret career as a receiver of stolen goods. His beloved daughter, Margaret, knows nothing of her father s criminal activities. But when the antique shop s assistant, Archie Fellowes (Kenneth Griffith), discovers the trade in stolen goods, he blackmails Heiss. Desperate to keep his criminal activities a secret from his daughter, Heiss decides to silence his blackmailer.




Theatrical Release: March 10th, 1947

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DVD Review: Odeon Entertainment - Region 0 - PAL

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Odeon Entertainment

Region 0 - PAL

Runtime 1:27:27 (4% PAL speedup)
Video 1.33:1 Aspect Ratio
Average Bitrate:  5.53 mb/s
NTSC 720x480 29.97 f/s  

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio English (Dolby Digital 2.0) 
Subtitles None

Release Information:
Studio: Odeon Entertainment

Aspect Ratio:
Original Aspect Ratio 1.33:1

Edition Details:

• Trailers

DVD Release Date: March 24th, 2008

Transparent Keep Case
Chapters: 6



Not very close to Noir but a decent vintage thriller. It has some good shadowy scenes and 'conspiring' elements but fails a bit as a whole. Still, there is entertainment to be had if you give over to it.

It's a single-layered, bare bones DVD from Odeon in the UK - but this may be the only outlet for this film on DVD as far as I know. It's progressive but has rampant scratches and speckles. I caught a capture of some more prominent damage but this wasn't the norm. It's obviously un-restored but the bottom line is that it is watchable - but that is all. There is a smattering of contrast boosting in an attempt to lessen the visibility of the marks - it's not egregious so as to remove any substantial detail.

Predictably, no subtitles - and, unremarkable and reasonably weak 2.0 channel sound. Extras consist of a litany of Odeon trailers.

Probably the biggest appeal would be the price and your enjoyment of this era of British mystery thrillers. I felt I got my money's worth - others may disagree. The cast is quite good.

Gary W. Tooze


DVD Menus


Screen Captures

















Cue Blip





DVD Box Cover


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Odeon Entertainment

Region 0 - PAL

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Gary Tooze

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