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S E A R C H    D V D B e a v e r

(aka "Skateboard: The Movie" )


directed by George Gage
USA 1978


Schlub Manny (Allen Garfield) is unemployed and in trouble with his bookie. In desperation, he decides to start a skateboard team using the punks who annoy him daily by jumping over his stalled car. As in any "sports" film with such a protagonist, he gets into it just to make money but must take a stand when his bookie tells him to instruct his team to take a dive. Theatrically released through Universal Pictures, SKATEBOARD: THE MOVIE is apparently a cult film for skateboarders but for the rest of us it's painless fun. Professional skate boarder Tony Alva plays one of the kids and worked on the stunts. Even if the drama isn't too compelling or the comedy too funny, the skateboarding is admittedly impressive with no evident editing trickery. It might not still hold up as family fare these days and Garfield's character is way too unlikable. The rock songs have some nostalgic value. LAW & ORDER franchise creator Dick Wolf contributed to the screenplay and prolific TV composer Mark Snow (THE X-FILES) scored the film. Patricia Hitchcock (daughter of Alfred) appears briefly as Garrett's mother.

Eric Cotenas


Theatrical Release: February 1978 (USA)

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DVD Review: Scorpion Releasing - Region 0 - NTSC

Big thanks to Eric Cotenas for the Review!

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Scorpion Releasing

Region 0 - NTSC

Runtime 1:37:00

1.78:1 Original Aspect Ratio

16X9 enhanced
Average Bitrate: 7.16 mb/s
NTSC 720x480 29.97 f/s

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio English Dolby Digital 2.0 mono
Subtitles none
Features Release Information:
Studio: Scorpion Releasing

Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen anamorphic - 1.78:1

Edition Details:
• Audio commentary with Director George Gage and Skateboard Legend Tony Alva
• Interview with George Gage (16:9; 13:15)
• Interview with Tony Alva (16:9; 17:02)
• Bonus Interview with George Gage and Tony Alva (16:9; 5:18)
• Theatrical Trailer (16:9; 2:08)

DVD Release Date: July 27th, 2010

Chapters 12





Scorpion brings this Universal pick-up (which begins with the seventies/eighties Universal Pictures logo) in a dual-layer, anamorphic, progressive transfer. The grain at times belies the low budget (and the focus puller isn't always successful keeping telephoto lens shots in focus when the camera pans) but the muted colors are suited to the sunny Southern California atmosphere the director was going for. English mono audio is in good condition but not very bold (even during the use of the rock songs).

Director George Gage and professional skateboarder Tony Alva contribute separate interviews (and one joint bonus interview) as well as an energetic audio commentary (they point out locations, Playboy bunnies as extras, and get technical about the skateboarding moves). The film's trailer rounds out the extras.

  - Eric Cotenas


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Scorpion Releasing

Region 0 - NTSC



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