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S E A R C H    D V D B e a v e r

(aka 'Tutti per uno... botte per tutti')

Directed by Bruno Corbucci


A newly appointed Texas Ranger accidentally stumbles upon a corrupt banker who is secretly aided the dictator of Mexico against revolutionaries. The Texas Ranger quickly realizes the magnitude of the job. So he enlists the help of three semi retired Texas Rangers who had previously served under his father.

The Three Musketeers of the West is a haphazard adaption of Alexandre Dumas's novel "The Three Musketeers". The tone of the film like the majority of Spaghetti Westerns from this era is heavy on slap stick comedy and often short on logic. The plot has its fare share of flaws and the lack that of a charismatic actor in the lead role. These are just two of the more obvious flaws that hamper this film. The one area where this film really shines is during its comedy / action set pieces. Easily the most unusual moment in this film is kung fu brawl. The mixing of comedy into Spaghetti Westerns, which originally rose to prominence for their operatic violent tone can often be hit and miss. When all is said and done The Three Musketeers of the West is a mediocre film that brings nothing to the Spaghetti Western genre that hasn't been done before and in many cases better.

Michael Den Boer


Theatrical Release: September 28th, 1973

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DVD Review: Dorado Films - Region 1,4 - NTSC

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Distribution Dorado Films - Region 1,4 - NTSC
Runtime 1:32:45 
Video 2.00:1 Aspect Ratio
Average Bitrate: 5.29 mb/s
NTSC 720x480 29.97 f/s  

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio English (Dolby Digital 2.0 mono), Italian (Dolby Digital 2.0 mono), Spanish (Dolby Digital 2.0 mono)) 
Subtitles None

Release Information:
Studio: Dorado Films

Aspect Ratio:
2.00:1 Not Original Aspect Ratio

Edition Details:

• Theatrical Trailer (16:9; 3:41)
• Alternate Clothed Vath Scene (4:3; 1:28)
• A Text Essay About The Film
• Trailers for $100,000 for Lassitor (16:9; 3:21)
• Man Alone (Son of Jesse James) (16:9; 3:35)
• The Shadow of Zorro (16:9; 3:46)

DVD Release Date: May 19th, 2009
Chapters 19



The Three Musketeers of the West is given an anamorphic widescreen transfer that frames the images in a ratio of about 2.00:1, even though the end credits list that this film was shot in Techniscope which is a ratio closer to 2.35:1. The interlaced sourced transfer looks as good as one would expect considering the source. There is some mild print damage, colors range from average to good and details while generally crisp, they occasionally look soft. Also there are some compression issues and edge enhancement is for the most part kept in check.

There are three audio options, English, Italian and Spanish. Unfortunately there are no English subtitles for the Italian and Spanish language audio tracks. The English audio tracks has hiss and background that varies in degree throughout the film. The Italian audio mix is the best sounding of the three and the Spanish audio mix in the weakest of the three.

Extras include an alternate 'clothed' version of the bath scene, a brief text essay about the film, a trailer for the film and three other trailers for other films also available from Dorado Films

Michael Den Boer


DVD Menus


Screen Captures














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Distribution Dorado Films - Region 1,4 - NTSC


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