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(aka "Lisa e il diavolo" or "La Casa dell'esorcismo" or "The House of Exorcism" or "The Devil in the House of Exorcism" )


directed by Mario Bava
Italy | West Germany | Spain 1973


Elke Sommer (Baron Blood) stars as Lisa, a young woman who finds herself lost in a large and imposing European city. Unable to find her way, she runs across a rich man (Eduardo Fajardo), his wife (Sylva Coscina) and their chauffeur (Gabriele Tinti). This unhappy trio (the wife, Sophia is having an affair with the chauffeur, George—and the husband knows it) offer Lisa a ride—which she willingly accepts. However, their car breaks down in front of a desolate old mansion—a house where a blind countess (Alida Valli) lives with her mentally disturbed son Max (Alessio Orano), and a manservant with a penchant for making mannequins who just may be Satan himself (Telly Savalas—who even sucks on a lollipop in this film).

During the night, Lisa will find herself trapped in a weird, dreamlike world while a series of vicious murders are committed around her. It seems that this isolated country house is haunted—not only by the ghosts of former tenants murdered in jealous rage, but also by a malignant madness itself.

Excerpt from located HERE


Theatrical Release: 9 May 1973 (Cannes Film Festival)

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Image Entertainment - Region 0 - NTSC vs. Anchor Bay (Mario Bava Collection Volume 2) - Region 1 - NTSC vs. Lorber Films - Region 'A' - Blu-ray vs. Arrow - Region 'B' - Blu-ray

Big thanks to Gregory Meshman for all the DVD Screen Caps!

1) Image Entertainment - Region 0 - NTSC - LEFT

2) Anchor Bay (Mario Bava Collection Volume 2) - Region 1 - NTSC - SECOND

3) Lorber Films - Region 'A' - Blu-ray - THIRD

4) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - RIGHT


Box Covers








Also available on Blu-ray in Germany from Koch Media:

Reissued on Blu-ray from Arrow in July 2018


Image Entertainment

Region 0 - NTSC

Anchor Bay
Region 1 - NTSC
Lorber Films - Region 'A' - Blu-ray Arrow Films - Region 'B' - Blu-ray
Runtime 1:35:12 1:35:12 1:35:42.893 1:35:21.632

1.77:1 Original Aspect Ratio
Average Bitrate: 5.26 mb/s
NTSC 720x480 29.97 f/s

1.81:1 Original Aspect Ratio

16X9 enhanced
Average Bitrate: 5.5 mb/s
NTSC 720x480 29.97 f/s

1080P Dual-layered Blu-ray

Disc Size: 49,167,832,636 bytes

Feature: 22,148,964,480 bytes

Video Bitrate: 25.96 Mbps

Codec: MPEG-4 AVC Video

1080P Dual-layered Blu-ray

Disc Size: 48,557,050,569 bytes

Feature: 23,885,088,768 bytes

Video Bitrate: 27.99 Mbps

Codec: MPEG-4 AVC Video

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.



Image Entertainment




Anchor Bay (Mario Bava Collection Volume 2)


Bitrate: Lorber




Bitrate: Arrow




Audio English (Dolby Digital 1.0 Mono)

English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono)

LPCM Audio English 1536 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
Commentary: LPCM Audio English 1536 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
LPCM Audio English 1536 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
LPCM Audio Italian 1536 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
Commentary: Dolby Digital Audio English 320 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 320 kbps
Subtitles None None None English, None
Features Release Information:
Studio: Image Entertainment

Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen letterboxed - 1.77:1

Edition Details:
• The House of Exorcism Producer's Cut (1:31:27)
• Audio Commentary on alternative cut by Alfredo Leone and Elke Sommer
• Mario Bava Biography & Liner Notes by Tim Lucas
• Director & Cast Filmographies
• Lisa & the Devil unfinished theatrical trailer
• 2 House of Exorcism Theatrical Trailers
• Deleted Scene
• Photo and Poster Gallery

DVD Release Date: May 16, 2000
Snapper Case

Chapters 14

Release Information:
Studio: Anchor Bay

Aspect Ratio:
Widescreen anamorphic - 1.81:1

Edition Details:
• The House of Exorcism Producer's Cut (1:31:24)
• Audio Commentary by Tim Lucas
• Audio Commentary on alternative cut by Alfredo Leone and Elke Sommer
• Lisa & the Devil unfinished theatrical trailer
• 2 House of Exorcism Theatrical Trailers
• House of Exorcism Radio Spot


DVD Release Date: October 23, 2007

Chapters 20

Release Information:

Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1

1080P Dual-layered Blu-ray

Disc Size: 49,167,832,636 bytes

Feature: 22,148,964,480 bytes

Video Bitrate: 25.96 Mbps

Codec: MPEG-4 AVC Video


Edition Details:
• The House of Exorcism in 1080P (1:31:48)
• Audio commentary on LISA AND THE DEVIL by Tim Lucas, author of
Mario Bava: All the Colors of the Dark
• "Bava on Bava: An Interview with Lamberto Bava" (by Daniel Gouyette) - 18:15
• Bava Trailers (Hatchet, Baron Blood, Lisa and the Devil, The House of Exorcism)


• Audio commentary on THE HOUSE OF EXORCISM by producer Alfredo Leone and actress Elke Sommer
• Two Trailers for House of Exorcism (3:12 + 1:08)

• House of Exorcism radio spot (:59)

Blu-ray Release Date: September 18th, 2012
Standard Blu-ray cover

Chapters 10

Release Information:

Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1

1080P Dual-layered Blu-ray

Disc Size: 48,557,050,569 bytes

Feature: 23,885,088,768 bytes

Video Bitrate: 27.99 Mbps

Codec: MPEG-4 AVC Video


Edition Details:
• High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) and Standard Definition DVD presentation of both versions of the film: Lisa and the Devil and The House of Exorcism producer s cut
• Optional English and Italian audio on Lisa and the Devil
English SDH subtitles on both features and a new English subtitle translation of the Italian Audio of Lisa and the Devil
• Audio Commentary on Lisa and the Devil by Bava biographer and expert Tim Lucas
• Audio Commentary on The House of Exorcism by producer Alfredo Leone and star Elke Sommer
Introductions to both films by author and critic Alan Jones
• The Exorcism of Lisa Assistant Director Lamberto Bava, screenwriter Roberto Natale, Roy Bava and Bava biographer Alberto Pezzotta discuss the making of both versions of the film
• Deleted Scene
• Original trailers
• Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Graham Humphreys
• Collector's booklet featuring new writing on the film by critic and author Stephen Thrower illustrated with original stills and archive posters)

Blu-ray Release Date: February 4th, 2013
Custom transparent Blu-ray cover

Chapters 12



NOTE: The below Blu-ray captures were obtained directly from the Blu-ray disc.

ADDITION: Arrow - Region 'B' - Blu-ray (February 2013): Supplementing Eric's comments directly below - the two Blu-ray images look exactly the same to me. The Arrow may have marginally superior color separation but that improvement might be lost on most systems. Audio is likewise too similar to quibble over but the Arrow does have the Italian option for Lisa and the Devil and it offers optional English subtitles. Both have The House of Exorcism in 1080P - also looking extremely close but the dividing point here are the extensive Arrow extras (see Eric below)!

Gary Tooze

LISA AND THE DEVIL is accompanied by Tim Lucas’ commentary recorded for the 2007 Anchor Bay DVD release while HOUSE OF EXORCISM is accompanied by producer Alfredo Leone’s commentary (with additional participation from Elke Sommer) recorded for the 2000 Image Entertainment release (Image released HOUSE OF EXORCISM and LISA AND THE DEVIL separately, but the commentary track was only included on their dual-layer double feature version). Alan Jones contributes brand new introductions to both versions of the film, describing LISA as one of Bava’s “most subtle and waking dream” and HOUSE OF EXORCISM as being about Robert Alda trying to save Lisa who is “vomiting frogs and expletives in a Spanish hospital”. He describes Bava’s influences as Kraft-Ebbing’s PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS, H.P. Lovecraft, and Dostoyevsky’s THE POSSESSED. He also mentions that superstitious Bava felt Alida Valli appearing on-set in a purple gown was a bad omen. He says that Bava’s sister was a nun so he refused to direct the swearing scenes.

The documentary “The Exorcism of Lisa” is ported over from the Italian Raro 2-disc DVD, as are the unfinished LISA AND THE DEVIL trailer and the deleted scene (a raggedly edited version of the sex scene between Sylva Koscina and Gabriele Tinti featuring some more explicit angles) – both of which were in turn ported over from the Image DVD, including the prefatory text screens – and British Scotia-Barber HOUSE OF EXORCISM trailers. The documentary features commentary by biographer Alberto Pezzotta (who tells us that the LISA AND THE DEVIL version was not released in Italy until 2004) erroneously suggesting that the LISA version was made for TV because of its less explicit takes; he is aware of Leone’s involvement in HOUSE OF EXORCISM but seems unaware that the softer takes were Bava’s preference and that Lamberto Bava and Leone shot them. Pezzotta does make the intriguing suggestion that the film was influenced by Pierre Klossowski’s “The Baphomet”. Bava’s son Lamberto (and his son Roy) and screenwriter Roberto Natale set the story straight about producer Alfredo Leone’s involvement in the reediting and reshooting. Roy Bava also points out the uncredited contribution of make-up and effects Fabrizio Sforza (who would later work on a number of Lamberto Bava films before moving onto loftier projects for Bernardo Bertolucci, Francis Ford Coppola, Anthony Minghella, and the like). Lamberto Bava remarks that the concept of “exorcism” was more important to Catholic Americans (like Leone) than to Italians, and jokes that Leone’s harder outtake of the Sylva Koscina/Gabriele Tinti sex scene was intended for the Japanese market.

An illustrated booklet is also included with a wonderful essay on the film by Stephen Thrower, as well as an exclusive English translation of a 1976 Italian interview with Bava (in which he describes HOUSE OF EXORCISM as being “like the situation whereby a cuckolded man is found to have a son that is not his but has his name but there is nothing he can do about it”). Discs 2 and 3 feature the two version of the film and all of the extras in standard definition PAL.

Eric Cotenas

ADDITION: Lorber - Region 'A' - Blu-ray (September 2012): I always liked the de-saturated, darker look of the Anchor Bay edition and think this 1080P transfer may be less accurate based on skin tones and some colors looking rather wonky. Of course, the bottom line here is that I don't know how Lisa and the Devil appeared theatrically. Taking a shift left the new 1080P shows more information on the left edge but about the same amount less-so on the right edge when compared to the Anchor Bay. Guessing I'd say the same source used for the non-anamorphic Image Entertainment disc was used here for the Blu-ray. There are certainly positives to this new transfer but I suspect the definitive HD edition may yet to have surfaced. Strangely, the, shorter, alternate cut the House of Exorcism - also included in the Blu-ray package in 1080P - does seem to have taken more advantage from the new format upgrade. It looks relatively more solid throughout.

Audio gets the linear PCM upgrade and has a few notable moments though nothing demonstratively dynamic. Still, this is more identifiable winner in the comparison with the AB SD. Again, no subtitles are offered.

In the supplements we get the two previous commentaries - on LISA AND THE DEVIL; Tim Lucas, author of Mario Bava: All the Colors of the Dark and on THE HOUSE OF EXORCISM by producer Alfredo Leone and actress Elke Sommer. Both have been available previously in SD editions. Included is 18-minutes of "Bava on Bava: an interview with Lamberto Bava conducted by Daniel Gouyette - as well as the Bava Trailers (Hatchet, Baron Blood, Lisa and the Devil, The House of Exorcism). There are also two Trailers for House of Exorcism as well as a Radio Spot.

Mario Bava fans may find enough of an enticement to indulge. I enjoyed my viewing and suspect others may find significant benefit in the audio and extras. 

Gary Tooze


ON THE DVDs: Anchor Bay is a clear winner in this comparison. The transfer looks much sharper and cleaner and the Image disc looks too bright. Most of extras were ported over except for a few static screens of bio and pictures and a deleted sex scene, not filmed by Bava, but some completists will be upset it is not included.

The Anchor Bay disc adds an always informative commentary by Tim Lucas. The alternative producer's cut (The House of Exorcism) with scenes ripped off from Friedkin's hit The Exorcist almost make it an unwatchable mess, but you can watch it listening to a commentary by film's producer Alfredo Leone defending his version and always beautiful Elke Sommer.

 - Gregory Meshman


Image Entertainment - Region 0 - NTSC - LEFT vs. Anchor Bay (Mario Bava Collection Volume 2) - Region 1 - NTSC - RIGHT)




Lorber Films - Region 'A' - Blu-ray



Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray





Screen Captures


1) Image Entertainment - Region 0 - NTSC - TOP

2) Anchor Bay (Mario Bava Collection Volume 2) - Region 1 - NTSC - SECOND

3) Lorber Films - Region 'A' - Blu-ray - THIRD

4) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM



1) Image Entertainment - Region 0 - NTSC - TOP

2) Anchor Bay (Mario Bava Collection Volume 2) - Region 1 - NTSC - SECOND

3) Lorber Films - Region 'A' - Blu-ray - THIRD

4) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM



1) Image Entertainment - Region 0 - NTSC - TOP

2) Anchor Bay (Mario Bava Collection Volume 2) - Region 1 - NTSC - SECOND

3) Lorber Films - Region 'A' - Blu-ray - THIRD

4) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM



1) Image Entertainment - Region 0 - NTSC - TOP

2) Anchor Bay (Mario Bava Collection Volume 2) - Region 1 - NTSC - SECOND

3) Lorber Films - Region 'A' - Blu-ray - THIRD

4) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM



1) Image Entertainment - Region 0 - NTSC - TOP

2) Anchor Bay (Mario Bava Collection Volume 2) - Region 1 - NTSC - SECOND

3) Lorber Films - Region 'A' - Blu-ray - THIRD

4) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM



1) Image Entertainment - Region 0 - NTSC - TOP

2) Anchor Bay (Mario Bava Collection Volume 2) - Region 1 - NTSC - SECOND

3) Lorber Films - Region 'A' - Blu-ray - THIRD

4) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM




Lorber Films - Region 'A' - Blu-ray




1) Image Entertainment - Region 0 - NTSC - TOP

2) Anchor Bay (Mario Bava Collection Volume 2) - Region 1 - NTSC - SECOND

3) Lorber Films - Region 'A' - Blu-ray - THIRD

4) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM

 The House of Exorcism capture

More Blu-ray Captures


1) Lorber - Region 'A'- Blu-ray - TOP

2) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM



1) Lorber - Region 'A'- Blu-ray - TOP

2) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM



1) Lorber - Region 'A'- Blu-ray - TOP

2) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM



1) Lorber - Region 'A'- Blu-ray - TOP

2) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM



1) Lorber - Region 'A'- Blu-ray - TOP

2) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM



1) Lorber - Region 'A'- Blu-ray - TOP

2) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM



1) Lorber - Region 'A'- Blu-ray - TOP

2) Arrow - Region 'B'- Blu-ray - BOTTOM


Box Covers








Also available on Blu-ray in Germany from Koch Media:

Reissued on Blu-ray from Arrow in July 2018


Image Entertainment

Region 0 - NTSC

Anchor Bay
Region 1 - NTSC
Lorber Films - Region 'A' - Blu-ray Arrow Films - Region 'B' - Blu-ray





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Gary Tooze

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