(aka 'Tony Takitani')

Directed by Jun Ichikawa
Japan 2004


Director Jun Ichikawa adapts a short story by Murakami Haruki to the big screen in Tony Takitani, a quirky, minimalist film that effectively tackles issues related to feelings of isolation, loss, and loneliness, fantastically translating Murakami's unique prose style to the cinema. Actor Ogata Issei (Yi Yi) portrays the title character, as the film traces his life, beginning with Tony's lonely childhood up to middle age. For Tony Takitani, being alone has simply been a fact of life. His mother passed away soon after she gave birth to him, and his father was never any good at being a parent, having more interest in playing in his jazz band than spending time with his only son. As he matured, Tony took an interest in art, displaying quite a natural talent, but even as his work receives some acclaim, his drawings seem to lack something in the way of feeling.

Things start to change for Tony when the beautiful Eiko enters his life. Portrayed by Miyazawa Rie (from The Twilight Samurai and Peony Pavillion), the mysterious Eiko captures Tony's heart and shows him a world of experience he has never known. But she also bears a terrible secret: it seems her taste in high fashion isn't just an interest, but an obsession, one that she can't control with tragic results. Will Tony recover from the loss? What will he do with her collection of designer clothes? And who is Hisako, a girl who bears an uncannily resemblance to Eiko?  All these questions and more will be answered in Tony Takitani, a rich, beautifully crafted film that more than does justice to the Murakami Haruki original.


Theatrical Release: August 11th, 2004 - Locano Film Festival - Switzerland

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DVD Review: Geneon Entertainment (2-disc) - Region 2 - NTSC

DVD Box Cover


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Distribution Geneon Entertainment - Region 2 - NTSC
Runtime 1:15:48 
Video 1.82:1 Original Aspect Ratio
Average Bitrate: 6.27 mb/s
NTSC 720x480 29.97 f/s

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio Japanese (Dolby Digital 2.0) 
Subtitles English, None

Release Information:
Studio: Geneon Entertainment

Aspect Ratio:
Original aspect Ratio 1.82:1

Edition Details:

• Trailer
• Making of' Featurette (1:07:38) -
(in Japanese - no subtitles)
• Liner notes (in Japanese)

DVD Release Date: September 22nd, 2005

Slim double Transparent Keep Case
Chapters: 24



I had heard exceptional things about the film and I was immensely impressed.  I found it an art-infused modern minimalist drama with a kind of stylistic rigor that supported its intense fragility.

The film appears to have been purposely shot in a muted grainy focus that has translated beautifully to the Geneon DVD. Anamorphic, progressive and tight, I suspect this is exactly how the film looked theatrically. Like many well-made Japanese DVDs this has that true film-like appearance. The audio is clean and clear although dialogue is not this films 'strong suit' but there is extensive narration. Subtitles are professionally done but extras have none to translate the Japanese dialogue. I still watched a bit of the 'Making of...' featurette on disc 2 and did get a feel of what was being communicated.

This is a real gem that deserves more exposure and this DVD has treated the presentation with care and precision. We very strongly recommend!

NOTE: Strand Releasing are putting this out on DVD in Region 1 on January 10th HERE. My suspicions are, and history support, that it will not be of the same quality as the Geneon, but we may compare when we get a copy in 2006.  

Gary W. Tooze


DVD Menus

Disc 2


Subtitle Sample




Screen Captures














DVD Box Cover


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Distribution Geneon Entertainment - Region 2 - NTSC


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Gary Tooze

Mississauga, Ontario,


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