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S E A R C H    D V D B e a v e r

(aka 'I Love Huckabee's" or "I Love Huckabees')

directed by David O. Russell
USA 1997


David O. Russell really goes over the top in this one, and despite what you might hear elsewhere, he manages to make it all work. This delightful adult comedy follows the exploits of a group of lost souls, whom, frustrated with life and the unending search for its meaning, employ the help of the Existential Detectives- a pair of foppish philosophers (Dustin Hoffman & Lily Tomlin) who follow you around and help you sort out your life with their "Inter-connectedness philosophies". Jason Schwartzman plays an environmental activist, loosely based on a young O. Russell, and Mark Whalberg plays his 9/11 inspired Other, a petroleum obsessed firefighter who upon arriving on the scene of a fire decides to take to watering a neglected lawn rather than putting out the fire. There are quite a few inside jokes with regards to the writings of Kafka, Hegel, Freud, Plato, Sartre, and Lacan that I found simply hilarious. If none of those names are familiar to you, donšt worry, the rest of the cast, which includes Naomi Watts, Isabelle Huppert, Tippi Hedren, and Jude Law (in his 450th film of the year) are dynamite as well.
This is the kind of sharp-witted intellectual humor that often reminded me of the great Woody Allen of twenty years ago. A must see!out of



Theatrical Release: September 10th, 2004 - Toronto Film Festival

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DVD Review: 20th Century Fox (single disc) - Region 1 - NTSC

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Distribution Twentieth Century Fox Home Video - Region 1- NTSC
Runtime 1:46:32
Video 2.35:1 Original Aspect Ratio
Average Bitrate: 5.11 mb/s
NTSC 720x480 29.97 f/s 

NOTE: The Vertical axis represents the bits transferred per second. The Horizontal is the time in minutes.


Audio English (Dolby Digital 5.1), DUB: Spanish (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround), Commentaries- English (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround)
Subtitles English, Spanish, None

Release Information:
Studio: Twentieth Century Fox Home Video

Aspect Ratio:
Original aspect Ratio 2.35:1

Edition Details:

• Commentary by director David O. Russell
• Commentary by Jason Schwartzman, Mark Wahlberg, and Naomi Watts

• Full Frame version on opposite side of disc.

DVD Release Date: February 22nd, 2005

Keep Case inside cardboard slip case
Chapters: 24




There is a double disc version of this from Fox, with the same image quality but a 2nd DVD of extra features. You can see more about it HERE.

This image is softer than it should be. Definitely. It has infrequent moments of sharpness, but then seems to fall back on its washed-out hazy image. No real care seems to have been put into this image by Fox. It is not horrendous, just much softer than one might expect for a new film to DVD. Skin tones look a little dark, but nothing I can nail down about any concrete manipulations. On the positive front - subtitles are good and they have maintained the aspect ratio. The dual commentaries are kind of fun (I didn't listen to all) and for those really keen on knowing more about this production - they will find it interesting. Overall a far cry from the theatrical and maybe Fox should look at their DVD authoring process. out of

Gary W. Tooze


DVD Menus


Subtitle Sample




Screen Captures














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Distribution Twentieth Century Fox Home Video - Region 1- NTSC


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Gary Tooze

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