- relating to or deriving from the metabolism of a living organism. ____ Hello. My name is Gary. Yesterday (January 3rd, 2024) I found out that my best friend from Public School (Wedgewood) died of Cancer. Last year my best friend from Middle School (Bloorlea) died of Cancer. Here is the last picture taken of him:
Also... I worked a Summer job for 7 years and only stayed in touch with one person. I was in his Wedding Party. He died, too young, of Cancer (Myloma.) Here we are. He is on the left:
Another very good friend called me a week ago (December 31st, 2024) from Toronto General Hospital to inform me that he had just been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. I had three uncles, three aunts die of Cancer. My wife has had multiple Cancers - as has her brother. My oldest friend had prostate Cancer - as well as our Financial Advisor. My Sister's husband (another brother-in-law) has Cancer. The list goes on and on. Everyone just seems to accept this as normal. It is decidedly NOT normal and was not happening to our ancestors. _________ I am not a Doctor and I hope I have not misused some medical terminology below. This webpage mostly cites the work of Dr. Thomas Seyfried, professor of biology, genetics, and biochemistry at Boston College, who has over 150 peer-reviewed publications. It follows the pivotal work of Dr. Otto Warburg (1883 - 1970) "The Nobel laureate Otto Warburg―a cousin of the famous finance Warburgs―is widely regarded as one of the most important biochemists of the twentieth century." Dr. Jason Fung is in the close vicinity of these theories with a focus on genetics, and that cancer is caused by the dysregulation of insulin. Also Dr. Peter Attia, HERE from 2014. They have all written a number of books regarding Cancer being classified as a metabolic disease.
Dr. Jason Fung:
Dr. Thomas Seyfried: • Keto for Cancer: Ketogenic Metabolic Therapy as a Targeted Nutritional Strategy • Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management and Prevention of Cancer. Student Edition Dr. Otto Warburg: • Dr. Otto Warburg’s Cancer Research Papers (Understand Cancer Series Book 6)
50% of people who die of Cancer - die of the treatment.
What is the common pathophysiological mechanism that always happens to produce Cancer?
Cancer cells elicit from the cells inability to produce oxygen. They
replace Oxidative phosphorylation with a fermentation metabolism.
Anaerobiosis (Warburg) - they live without oxygen. ____
(Edward Judd and Peter Cushing in 1966's
Island of Terror)
Cancer cells grow in your body. The treatment goal is
to stop the growth and/or kill the cancer cells. Nearly a century ago, Otto Warburg discovered that tumours consume tremendous amounts of glucose relative to most non-transformed tissues, and that the majority of glucose consumed by tumours is fermented to lactate, rather than oxidized in pathways that require respiration.
A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test
where glucose is being used in the body. Cancer cells show up
brighter in the picture because they are more active and take up
more glucose than normal cells do. Given that its primary driver is a metabolic component Cancer is amenable to simple, low-cost treatments. These can be affected through diet and lifestyle change without costly, invasive and/or poisonous alternatives. The Warburg hypothesis states that cancer cells have an altered cell metabolism towards anaerobic glycolysis. Given this metabolic reprogramming in cancer cells, it is possible to target cancers metabolically by depriving them of their required energy component; glucose. Concentrate on Cancer prevention. Number one factor is type II diabetes (which is reversible) and number two is obesity. Not only are both factors conjoined but they are more likely to contract cancer, and also to have poor Cancer outcomes. It is no coincidence that the Warburg / Attia / Seyfried / Fung treatment for Cancer is the same as the prevention; produce ketones by eating less carby processed foods (how about 'none'? including zero sugar) and adapt a regime of intermittent fasting.
• It is now known that 'water-only
fasting' for 72 hours reduces tumour growth -
shrinks Cancer tumours. January 3rd, 2024:
Dr. Ken Berry (2023):
Dr. Thomas Seyfried - "Cancer is a metabolic disease"
____ Somewhere in this video Attia and Seyfried argue about biopsies transferring Cancer cells:
____ At 8-minutes Seyfried states the theory that biopsies transfer Cancer cells.
___ At 40:00 minutes, in this video, in Dr. Thomas Seyfried mentions the anti-parasitic mebendazole (a worm parasite) and that it also targets the metabolism in the tumor cells - so the parasite and the Cancer cell use a common form of energy. You can buy it in India for $0.50 a tablet:
At 36:00 minutes, in this video, in Dr. Thomas Seyfried again discusses the anti-parasitics fenbendazole (HERE are Fenbendazole Cancer Success Stories. A NLM study HERE) and mebendazole:
___ At 1:01:30 minutes, in this video, in Dr. Thomas Seyfried again discusses the anti-parasitics mebendazole "Parasite medication - use fermentation metabolism to stay alive, blocks glucose and glutamine (mild inhibitor)":
Seyfried briefly on Mebendazole and Fenbendazole (3:00)
Dr. Jason Fung + Dr. Berry
Cancer Code
______ Colin Champ, MD -- The Ketogenic Diet and Cancer
Data from over 100 years ago:
Cancer Evolution
___ How to gauge your maximum prevention ability and most effective treatment level of Cancer, using a KetoMojo meter (GKI):
There are a variety of both Ketone measuring devices (use blood levels not "urine sticks") and Glucose measuring instruments but the KetMojo does both self-identifying the strip when put into it. |
Dr. Ekberg discusses GKI at 37-minutes in this video |
GKI guage | |
≥9 | You have not reached ketosis yet. |
6-9 | You’re in a low level of ketosis. Ideal for anyone whose goal is weight loss or maintaining optimal health. |
3-6 | You’re in a moderate level of ketosis. Ideal for those with type 2 diabetes, obesity or insulin resistance. |
≤3 | You’re in a high therapeutic level of ketosis. Ideal for patients who have cancer, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease. |
Below 2.0
you are in a state of metabolic homeostasis.
Glucose Result ÷ 18] ÷ Blood Ketone Result = GKI By dividing the blood glucose result by 18, it converts the reading from milligrams (mg) per deciliter (dL) to millimoles per litre. Example:
Glucose: 97 millimoles per litre divided by 18 = 5.4 milligrams (mg) per deciliter (dL) divided by your Ketone level 2.2 millimoles per litre = 2.4 GKI (Glucose Ketone Index) 05/08/24 - 5.2 / 3.6 = 1.45 GKI (middle of 90-hour fast) 08/08/2024 - 6.0 / 2.4 = 2.5 GKI (was eating) |
____________ Definitions:
Metabolic homeostasis - processes include those normal functioning of the break down nutrients from our food, and those that build and repair our body. Oxidative phosphorylation: the metabolic pathway in which cells use enzymes to oxidize nutrients. The process of turning glucose and fatty acid into lots of ATP using oxygen is called ‘oxidative phosphorylation.’ Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP): is a nucleotide that provides energy to drive and support many processes in living cells, such as muscle contraction, nerve impulse propagation, and chemical synthesis. "The currency of energy." The Warburg Effect: the observation that all cancers use aerobic glycolysis (fermentation) for energy generation rather than the mechanisms used by non-cancerous cells (Oxidative phosphorylation). NOTE: "Cancer cells “prefer” to use the energetically highly inefficient method of burning the glucose at the cellular level." If oxygen is present Cancer Cells should stop using inefficient fermentation. They don't. They can't. Warburg’s hypothesis for cancer progression is that cancer cells undergo a two-step transformation. First, there is irreversible failure of respiration, and secondly, the cell survives by fermentation energy. Fermentation energy is far less efficient than aerobic glycolysis, producing only 2 ATP for a glucose molecule as opposed to 38 via aerobic glycolysis. Aerobic Glycolysis or Aerobic fermentation: metabolic process by which cells metabolize sugars via fermentation in the presence of oxygen and occurs through the repression of normal respiratory metabolism. A positron emission tomography (PET): In PET, a small amount of radioactive glucose is injected into a vein, and a scanner makes a picture of where the glucose is being used in the body.
Mitochondria are membrane-bound cell organelles (mitochondrion, singular) that generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions. Chemical energy produced by the mitochondria is stored in a small molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Reactive Oxygen Species: ROS have roles in cell signaling and homeostasis. ROS are intrinsic to cellular functioning, and are present at low and stationary levels in normal cells. In plants, ROS are involved in metabolic processes related to photoprotection and tolerance to various types of stress. ROS are carcinogenic and mutagenic. Intravasation of tumor cells
into the circulation can occur through entry into blood vessels or
lymphatic vessels, with the majority of entry occurring through
hematogenous (blood vessel) routes. "The Cancer cell is constantly hovering near death because of the difficult path it must go to obtain energy." "It's all about the mitochondria" "Cancer cells can't burn Ketones or fatty acids - because they cannot be fermented." "Nutritional Ketosis prevents chronic diseases" ____
Emerging evidence indicates that
cancer is primarily a metabolic disease involving disturbances in
energy production through respiration and fermentation. Cancer is
suppressed following transfer of the nucleus from the tumor cell to
cytoplasm of normal cells containing normal mitochondria. These
findings indicate that nuclear genetic abnormalities cannot be
responsible for cancer despite commonly held beliefs in the cancer
field. The genomic instability observed in tumor cells and all other
recognized hallmarks of cancer are considered downstream
epiphenomena of the initial disturbance of cellular energy
metabolism. The disturbances in tumor cell energy metabolism can be
linked to abnormalities in the structure and function of the
mitochondria. Cancer growth and progression can be managed following
a whole-body transition from fermentable metabolites, primarily
glucose and glutamine, to respiratory metabolites, primarily ketone
bodies. This transition will reduce tumor vascularity and
inflammation while enhancing tumor cell death. A novel “press-pulse”
therapeutic strategy is in development for the non-toxic metabolic
management of cancer. Malignant brain cancer in preclinical models
and humans will be used to illustrate general concepts. As each
individual is a unique metabolic entity, personalization of
metabolic therapy as a broadbased cancer treatment strategy will
require fine-tuning to match the therapy to an individual’s unique
physiology. Subsidiary: |