A Few Words Regarding Alter Films: I'd like to point out that most of the Mexican fimography, specially the oldest; belongs to the major T.V. Network: Televisa. Alterfilms is a company from Televisa which releases movies, Soap Operas, Sitcoms all on DVD. The Mexican Films under the Alterfilms are being released under a subfolder which reads "¡Vive México! Cine en 35 mm.". As far as I'm concerned, Televisa nor Alterfilms has the ability to restore the original film or the best copy available, and although they have and release the best copy available you can easily note that a nice transfer is always needed. This particular edition has both English and Spanish subtitles, a still gallery and biographies. A particular and usual problem I find in the Alter Films editions are the - apparently- obligatory 2-3 minutes trailer of their films just before the Menu appears, I found out that you can get rid of this by simply pressing the Stop button and immediately press the play button, it'll get you directly to the beginning of the film and from then on, you can press the menu button.