(aka "Raoul Servais - The complete collection of short films" or "Raoul Servais - L'Intégrale des court-métrages" or "Raoul Servais - Alle kortfilms")

directed by Raoul Servais
Belgium 2004

Raoul Servais was born in Ostend in 1928. He studied Decorative Arts at the Ghent Royal Academy of Fine Arts, where, fifteen years later, he was to become the founder of the European continent's first department for animation. Though Servais practices drawing and occasionally monumental wall-painting, he is best known as maker of some twelve animated films, which won him several prizes at most major international film festivals.

Excerpt from the Animation World Network found HERE

Reviews    DVD Reviews

DVD Review: Boomerang Pictures (Belgium) / Doriane Films (France) - Region 2 - PAL

Big thanks to Pieter Boven for the Review!

DVD Box Cover

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Boomerang Pictures (Belgium) / Doriane Films (France)

Region 2 - PAL

Runtime +/-170m

1.33:1 Original Aspect Ratio
Average Bitrate: mb/s
PAL 720x576 25.00 f/s

Audio Dutch, English, French (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Subtitles Dutch, English, French, none
Features Release Information:
Studio: Boomerang Pictures (Belgium) / Doriane Films (France)

Aspect Ratio:
Fullscreen - 1.33:1

Edition Details:
• menus and all content available in Dutch, English or French
• Shorts:
• The False Note (1963) 10', Chromophobia (1966) 10', Siren (1968) 9'30, Goldframe (1969) 5',
• To Speak or Not to Speak (1970) 11', Operation X-70 (1971) 9’30, Pegasus (1973) 8’30,
• Harpya (1979) 9’, Nocturnal Butterflies (1998) 8’, Atraksion (2001) 10’
• Excerpts:
• De Zandloper (1950) 1’, Harbour Lights (1960) 1’, Omleiding November (1965) 1’,
• The Song of Halewyn (1976) 1’, Taxandria (1994) 4’30
• Extras:
• ABC-book, interview with Raoul Servais 30'
• Documentary «Oude Meesters» (2002) 42', from Belgian television (VRT)
• Photo gallery
• Biography, Filmography, Servaisgraphy
• Commentary track for Nocturnal Butterflies by Raoul Servais

DVD Release Date: March 30, 2004


Comments This is a fantastic DVD, a co-production between Folioscope (Belgium) and SFSL SARL (France), about Belgian animation wizard Raoul Servais. All his main shorts are included and have been nicely restored, the extras are interesting, the menus tastefully designed and everything is available in 3 languages. Too bad his "youth works", as the DVD calls them, only have 1 minute excerpts. Now where is that Taxandria DVD!

 - Pieter Boven


DVD Menus




Subtitle Sample





 Screen Captures



















DVD Box Cover

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Boomerang Pictures (Belgium) / Doriane Films (France)

Region 2 - PAL


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