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Total Recall
Kinowelt Germany RC2
Kinowelt 3 DVD Special Edition RC2
Bitwin Special Edition Korea RC3
Artisan Red Tin Edition US RC1
Live Entertainment US RC1


The new German Special Edition transfer has the best detail resolution in fine textures and very good contrast level but displays some compression artefacts in backgrounds with soft color transitions (pic#1, block artefacts in the sky). The US transfer and the Korean 1:1 port have better compression but are less detailed and show some slight video noise. The older Kinowelt edition from Germany is a little soft (Stone's forehead in pic#2) with compression artefacts and some cropping at the sides. Detail resolution in complex textures is above the NTSC transfers but not quite as good as the new PAL transfer from Kinowelt. The old US transfer from Live Entertainment is overcontrasted and not enhanced for Widescreen TVs thus losing some picture detail. Its color palette is a little off occasionally (pic#3) and the picture is slightly zoomed in.

transfer ranking:
Kinowelt 3 DVD Special Edition RC2
Artisan Red Tin Edition US RC1 - Bitwin Korea RC3
Kinowelt Germany RC2
Live Entertainment US RC1

Total Recall - Kinowelt Germany - RC2 (PAL)

Total Recall - Kinowelt 3 DVD Special Edition Germany - RC2 (PAL)

Total Recall - Bitwin Special Edition Korea - RC3 (NTSC)
Total Recall - Artisan Red Tin Edition USA - RC1 (NTSC)

Note: These two versions are identical pixel by pixel - This is a capture from the Korean transfer

Total Recall - Live Entertainment USA - RC1 (NTSC) 4:3

Total Recall - Kinowelt Germany - RC2 (PAL)

Total Recall - Kinowelt 3 DVD Special Edition Germany - RC2 (PAL)

Total Recall - Bitwin Special Edition Korea - RC3 (NTSC)
Total Recall - Artisan Red Tin Edition USA - RC1 (NTSC)

Note: These two versions are identical pixel by pixel - This is a capture from the US transfer

Total Recall - Live Entertainment USA - RC1 (NTSC) 4:3

Total Recall - Kinowelt Germany - RC2 (PAL)

Total Recall - Kinowelt 3 DVD Special Edition Germany - RC2 (PAL)

Total Recall - Bitwin Special Edition Korea - RC3 (NTSC)
Total Recall - Artisan Red Tin Edition USA - RC1 (NTSC)

Note: These two versions are identical pixel by pixel - This is a capture from the Korean transfer

Total Recall - Live Entertainment USA - RC1 (NTSC) 4:3

screen captures rc1 (old), rc2 (kw se) & rc3 by stefan paulmayer

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