Here it is: Waiting for the train: - Little bit more dialogue (in Italian) from Station Agent to Elam before he's locked up. - More Murdock shots with the birdcage. - More Strode with hat filling up - Elam sitting playing with fly seemed same as always. - More Murdock cracking fingers (close-up) When train arrives/three gunmen walk together: - Tracking Elam P.O.V. shot inspecting down the length of the train while he taps his fingers on his side holster, right before he signals his men to turn away and leave. Harmonica 'rising from the dead' after getting shot is included. The McBain killings seem the same. When Jill's train arrives: - Longer tracking shot of train passengers leaving and passing cases and bags out the windows until the camera stops and we see Jill's head pop out of the doorway. Cheyenne's first appearance: - More reaction shots (2 or 3) of people looking at him while he walks in looking at them after the gunfire outside. - Shot of Cheyenne looking over at Jill and the wagon driver after taking a drink revealing his handcuffs, he starts to take a second drink and the harmonica is heard. - 1 shot of Cheyene looking straight at Harmonica after he's revealed, before he walks up to him. - More reaction shots from people when Cheyenne forces the man to shoot his cuffs off. - 1 shot of Cheyenne's gang stepping in further. When Jill and Wagon Driver come up on the slain McBains. - 1 shot of Wagon Driver looking confused along with Jill as they encounter the group at the McBain homestead. Washing Station: - When Cheyenne sees that Harmonica is now protecting Jill from the hills with his men his music extends into the following scene where Wobbles is in the wash station and ends when Jill opens the door to confront him about Frank. - 1 shot of Harmonica watching Woobles walk out of the wash station while Wobbles looks back to see where Jill went right after Jill walks passed Harmonica. Wooble's Death: - When he's kicked out of the train by Frank quiet music begins to play and when he sees Cheyenne under the train a guitar plucks the notes of his 'theme' Cheyenne's train surprise attack: - Morton noticing the metal Jester chess piece of his desk shaking from the train's movement, it falls over and he quickly grabs it upright so as not to wake Frank's men. Jill and Harmonica at the bar: - When Frank enters his music ends before he sits down and taps his heel down, the music ends right when he taps it down in the International Cut. Harmonica waits for Frank: - 1 more shot of the railroad workers placing logs down - When Harmonica sees Cheyenne approach he twists his gun on the pole towards the camera. The Duel: - When we see the young Frank walking towards the camera we can much clearly see who it is from the beginning, instead of him being darkened until he gets right up on the camera. - A jarring cut in the music as Frank is looking at the young Harmonica - When Frank is stumbling forward from being shot with the blue sky above him, the broken harmonica 'Death Rattle' plays throughout, instead of just when the harmonica is placed in his mouth and falling over stone dead. I've viewed the International Cut numerous times and the extensions/alternations stuck out with a sore thumb. These aren't all of them but the more glaring examples just to give you and if you include it in comparsion your visitors a good idea about just how much is included.